the nightingale and the rose的象征意

2023-10-22 23:49

求rose,nightingale,daisy,butterfly,lizard 的象征意,最好长点,急!跪求!
Symbolic meanings of “Red rose”, “Lizard” and “Nightingale”:
Red rose --- true love, which needs constant nourishment of passions of the lovers. It can be divided into three stages: love in the heart of a boy and a girl; love in the soul of a man and a maid; and love that is perfected by Death, that does not die in the tomb.
Lizard --- cynic, a person who sees little or no good in anything and who has no belief in human progress; person who shows this by sneering and being contemptuous (cynical people)
Nightingale --- a truthful, devoted pursuer of love, who dares to sacrifice his own precious life

Wilde’s comments in a letter to one of his friends(May 1888):
The nightingale is the true lover, if there is one. She, at least, is Romance, and the student and the girl are, like most of us, unworthy of Romance. Nightingale sacrifices its own life for pure love’s sake. A true love needs wholehearted devotion and passion.
the rose 急急!!!!
1个回答2024-01-28 04:57
你去酷我里找 是Don Willians唱得
the rose是什么意思
1个回答2024-02-02 07:20
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2个回答2023-09-30 13:40
1. The elephant and the monkey argued about whose skill was better. The owl let them know the combin...
小学英语故事乐园之十的《The fox and the crow》翻译成中文
1个回答2024-01-23 10:19
狐狸和乌鸦 森林里有棵好大好大的树,树上住着乌鸦。树下有个洞,洞里住着一只狐狸。一天,乌鸦叼来一块肉,站在树上休息,被狐狸看到了。狐狸馋涎欲滴,很想从乌鸦嘴里得到那块肉。由于乌鸦在树枝...
The Fox and the Crow 英语小故事
1个回答2024-02-14 20:14
One day, the crow picked a meat, the fox saw, flowed the saliva towant to eat. The fox had though...
the butter and the bread
1个回答2024-02-29 08:16
举个例子:the teacher and the writer的意思是:这个人既是老师又是作家,所以当有the 的时候就是指一个整体。
the night and the fury是什么意思
1个回答2024-04-02 14:35
the night and the fury 直译的意思是:“这夜晚和这愤怒”。 但这意思是喻意一个非常黑暗隐蔽而又充满狂暴,不太平宁静安逸的环境时刻; 这是用“night夜晚”的黑沉沉来比喻...
翻译The fox and the crow
1个回答2024-04-22 08:01
从前呀,有一只乌鸦,长了一身黑色的羽毛。叫起呢“呱呱”,可难听了。 有一天,乌鸦肚子饿了,飞出去找吃的。它飞呀飞呀,运气可真好,找到了一块大肥肉,它高兴地想‘嗯,我要把这块大肥肉叼回家美美地吃...
翻译The fox and the crow
1个回答2024-05-22 00:54
从前呀,有一只乌鸦,长了一身黑色的羽毛。叫起呢“呱呱”,可难听了。 有一天,乌鸦肚子饿了,飞出去找吃的。它飞呀飞呀,运气可真好,找到了一块大肥肉,它高兴地想‘嗯,我要把这块大肥肉叼回家美美地吃上它...
the lion and the unicorn儿歌什么意思
1个回答2024-05-31 14:50
回答和翻译如下: the lion and the unicorn. 狮子与独角兽。