没有画的画册 第三夜 英文版

2021-12-10 20:13:2504:17 39
"In the narrow street round the corner yonder—it is so narrow that my beams can only glide for minute along the walls of the house,but in that minute I see enough to learn what the world is made of—in that narrow street I saw a woman.Sixteen years ago that woman was a child,playing in the garden of the old parsonage in the country.The hedges rose bushes were old,and the flowers were faded.They straggled wild over the paths,and the ragged branches grew up among the boughs of the apple-trees;here and there were a few roses still in bloom—not so fair as the queen of flowers generally appears,but still they had colour and too.The clergyman's little daughter appeared to me a far lovelier rose,as she sat on her stool under the straggling hedge,hugging and caressing her doll with the battered pasteboard cheeks.
"Ten years afterwards I saw her again.I beheld her in a splendid ballroom:she was the beautiful bride of a rich merchant.I rejoiced at her happiness,and sought heron calm quiet evenings—Ah,nobody thinks of my clear eye and my sure glance!Alas!My rose ran wild,like the rose bushes in the garden of the parsonage.There are tragedies in everyday life,and tonight I saw the last act of one.“10年以后我又看到了她。我看到她在一个华丽的跳舞厅内:她是一个富有商人的娇美的新嫁娘。我为她的幸福而感到愉快。在安静平和的晚上我常去探望她——啊,谁也没有想到我澄静的眼睛和锐敏的视线!唉!正像牧师住宅花园里那些玫瑰花一样,我的这朵玫瑰花也变得零乱了。每天的生活中都有悲剧发生,而我今晚却看到了最后一幕。
"She was lying in bed in a house in that narrow street;she was sick unto death,and the cruel landlord came up,and tore away the thin coverlet,her only protection against the cold.' Get up!'said he;' your face is enough to frighten one.Get up dress yourself.Give me money,or I'll turn you out into the street!Quick—getup!'She answered,' Alas!Death is gnawing at my heart.Let me rest.'But he forced her to get up and bathe her face,and put a wreath of roses in her hair;and he placed her in a chair at the window,with a candle burning beside her,and went away.“在那条狭小的巷子里,她躺在床上,病得要死。恶毒、冷酷和粗暴的房东来了,把她唯一的保护者,她的被子掀开,‘起来!’他说;‘你的一副面孔足够使人害怕。起来穿好衣服!赶快去弄点钱来,不然,我就要把你赶到街上去!快些起来!’‘死神正在嚼我的心!’她说,‘啊,请让我休息一会儿吧!’可是他把她拉起来,在她的脸上扑了一点粉,插了几朵玫瑰花,于是他把她放在窗旁的一个椅子上坐下,并且在她身旁点起一根蜡烛,然后他就走开了。
"I looked at her,and she was sitting motionless,with her hands in her lap.The wind caught the open window and shut it with a crash,so that a pane came clattering down in fragments;but still she never moved.The curtain fluttered like a flame about her;she was dead.There at the window sat the dead woman,preaching a sermon against sin—my poor faded rose out of the parsonage garden!"



