No Helmets in American Football

2020-08-21 09:00:1802:32 75

Today is August 21st, 2020. The news today is No Helmets in American Football.

Level 1

In American football, players can run into each other. Sometimes they hurt their heads. This makes very bad problems for them.

Ex-players are suing(起诉) the officials of American football. The ex-players are mad about their problems.

The officials want to get rid of the football helmets(头盔). They say that the players will play more carefully without the helmets. Other people say that this is wrong. They say that the players will still hurt their heads.

Level 2

Officials of American football have a lot of problems with their players incurring(引起) head injuries. Ex-players are suing them because of serious problems from the head injuries, such as concussions(脑震荡), depression, and memory loss.

Now, the officials want to ban football helmets. They hope that without the helmets, the players won’t get so hurt. However,others say that this is incorrect because collisions(碰撞) will still happen in a game where the players play by running into one another.

Level 3

America’s National Football League has been trying to reduce the risk of concussion over the last five years, and it has recently reached an almost one-billion-dollar legal settlement(法律争端) with ex-players suffering from head trauma(损伤), depression, memory loss, and mood swings.

The chairman of the NFL’s Health and Safety Advisory Commission thinks that helmets could be banned in the future, as experts say they give players a false sense of security. In recent years, banning helmets has been raised by some doctors and ex-players so that the human head could not be used as a weapon. But it has not really being taken seriously.

On the other hand, some people have also suggested that there would be inevitably(不可避免的) incidental collisions, where fracturing(破裂) the skull or the face is a realistic concern.



