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She is a woman without work and a woman without high consciousness. Her passion for life comes from her intuition rather than perception.她是一个没有工作的女人,也是一个没有高度自觉性的女人,她对生命的热情来源于她本身的直觉而非感悟。她渴望爱人也被人爱,渴望身边的世界能一团和气。When she was young , the object of this hope was the parents and siblings , and when she got married , it transitioned to a lover and her children .

她是女孩子,长的又不是那么漂亮,So she finished primary school and didn't study again, she learned to take care of her younger siblings at a very young age ,meanwhile,she learned to be thrifty , and then married the man who her parents had arranged for her early .

父母给她安排的婚姻她已经很满足了,对方是一个有学问的高中老师。She was satisfied with the marriage her parents arranged , the man to marry her was a learned high school teacher.She had never read a book, so she always looked into his eyes with deep admiration.她不识字,可他是一名高中老师。Later they had two daughters, though she couldn't read, she attached great importance to their education.值得庆幸的是,大女儿在当地是出了名的会读书,她很高兴,庆幸女儿们不会再像她一样,没日没夜地囿于这一亩三分地。故事的开始总是极尽温柔。The beginning of the story is always very gentle, but it is just the beginning.




She was a woman who is very afraid of trouble. She did not know how to make others happy, also she never remember to let herself aggrieved less.She only hopes to let all the trouble disappear, but also hope that people can take the initiative to skip the trouble, in exchange for a possible, happy life.她是一个很怕麻烦的女人。她不知道怎样让对方高兴、她也从来不记得要少让自己受委屈。她只希望能让一切麻烦消失,更希望人们能主动将麻烦跳过,换取可能的、快乐的人生。

It's like, if Nara's sense of equality and freedom is on the rise, but she eventually chose not to leave.如果娜拉的平等思想、自由意识正处于上升期,而她最终不选择出走的话,她在家面临的将是独自咽着苦水,Day and night, facing her husband's selfishness and hypocrisy, living under the "carefree" provided by her husband,继续成为口蜜腹剑的丈夫海尔茂的“文化印象”中,只会花钱的可人的“小鸟”和“孩子”,继续成为一份由自私之“爱”筑成的鸟笼下的一只金丝雀。Suffering to accept this unequal love, which is alwaysgived out by her husband.

她并没有把自己当作任何人。She didn't even know who Nara was.她最后主动离开这个家,只是因为她想快点结束这些麻烦,好去安稳的睡一觉。




她不明白人生失败的根源就是全身心地投入,并且舍弃自尊来博得的,并不值得拥有的所谓的,爱。She did not understand that the root of her life's failure was to devote herself and give up her self-esteem to win what was not worth having, a so-called love.更何况,她根本识不了几个字,从来无法美化她的苦难。


松子也是。The world was unenthusiastic, even cold to her, but her instinct as a man is to live.

社会和群体、甚至家庭都不给她融入的缝隙,她便自己去制造缝隙。去爱一个人吧,总比孤独要好,吵架和打斗,也比一个人发霉要好。Even in the end she became a sloppy, smelly woman, she can still be inspired for life by comely teen idols.并且像一个初恋的少女一般写下热烈的情信——This is something she repeats every time she is in love——If you trust someone, tell him yourself all.不知是幸还是不幸,这样毫无光彩的生命却被赋予了这样光彩的爱人的本领,也许她并不理解,可她,她们,对生命的热情是与生俱来的。






People who have been moved by the film, may have some fear: if it is the same with my life, if this is in my future, what should I do?

Indeed, every girl who grew up in a fairy tale determined that we would be the most shining person in the crowd, we will meet the favorite prince and live happily ever after together.


We have always taken it for granted to think of the beauty of the world, but what time teaches us is that regret and confusion will accompany us for life, and no fairy and magic can change and reverse. Many movies will tell us that this is the life that is.



Hello everyone,welcome to English Panorama!欢迎各位来到此次的福说驿站。我是梦源,我是小顾。这一次我们给大家带来了两个单词:

第一个是transition,是过渡、转变的意思,主要是指从一种状态转变到另一种状态,比如:Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and manhood.青春期是儿童和成人阶段的过渡时期。

第二个是词组since then,意为“此后”,Your life since then must have seemed very hopeful.你的人生从那时起一定充满了希望。


