

Cao Cao said,"I happened to notice the green plums on the trees today, and suddenly mythoughts went back to a year ago when we were thrashing Zhang Xiu. We weremarching through a parched county, and everyone was suffering from thirst.Suddenly I lifted my whip, and pointing at something in the distance I said,'Look at those fruitful plum trees in the forest ahead.' The soldiers heard it,and it made their mouths water. Seeing the plums kindles my appreciation. I owesomething to the plums, and we will repay it today. I ordered the servants toheat some wine very hot and sent to invite you to share it." 操曰:“适见枝头梅子青青,忽感去年征张绣时,道上缺水,将士皆渴;吾心生一计,以鞭虚指曰:‘前面有梅林。’军士闻之,口皆生唾,由是不渴。今见此梅,不可不赏。又值煮酒正熟,故邀使君小亭一会。”Liu Bei was quite composed by this time andno longer suspected any sinister design. He went with his host to a smallspring pavilion in a plum garden, where the wine cups were already laid out andgreen plums filled the dishes. They sat down to a confidential talk and freeenjoyment of their wine. 玄德心神方定。随至小亭,已设樽俎:盘置青梅,一樽煮酒。二人对坐,开怀畅饮。As they drank, the weather graduallychanged, clouds gathering and threatening rain. The servants pointed out a massof cloud that looked like a dragon hung in the sky. Both host and guest leanedover the balcony looking at it. "Do you understand the evolution ofdragons?" asked Cao Cao of the guest. 酒至半酣,忽阴云漠漠,聚雨将至。从人遥指天外龙挂,操与玄德凭栏观之。操曰:“使君知龙之变化否?”"Not in detail." 玄德曰:“未知其详。”"A dragon can assume any size, canrise in glory or hide from sight. Bulky, it generates clouds and evolves mist;attenuated, it can scarcely hide a mustard stalk or conceal a shadow. Mounting,it can soar to the empyrean; subsiding, it lurks in the uttermost depths of theocean. This is the midspring season, and the dragon chooses this moment for itstransformations like a person realizing his own desires and overrunning theworld. The dragon among animals compares with the hero among people. You,General, have traveled all lakes and rivers. You must know who are the heroesof the present day, and I wish you would say who they are." 操曰:“龙能大能小,能升能隐;大则兴云吐雾,小则隐介藏形;升则飞腾于宇宙之间,隐则潜伏于波涛之内。方今春深,龙乘时变化,犹人得志而纵横四海。龙之为物,可比世之英雄。玄德久历四方,必知当世英雄。请试指言之。”"I am just a common dullard. How can Iknow such things?" 玄德曰:“备肉眼安识英雄?”"Do not be so modest," said Cao Cao. 操曰:“休得过谦。”"Thanks to your kindly protection Ihave a post at court. But as to heroes I really do not know who they are."玄德曰:“备叨恩庇,得仕于朝。天下英雄,实有未知。”"You may not have looked upon theirfaces, but you must have heard their names." 操曰:“既不识其面,亦闻其名。”"Yuan Shu of the South of River Huai,with his strong army and abundant resources: Is he one?" asked Liu Bei. 玄德曰:“淮南袁术,兵粮足备,可为英雄?”





老哥手里的书是Moss Roberts译的吗

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