

 All this while I kept myself very close, notonce daring to stir out of my castle any farther than to my place ofobservation near the top of the hill: and very glad I was to think how well itwas fortified. I knew it was no less than ten hours before the boat could floatagain, and by that time it would be dark, and I might be at more liberty to seetheir motions, and to hear their discourse, if they had any. 到目前为止,我一直把自己严密的隐蔽起来,除了上小山顶上的观察所外,不敢离开自己的城堡一步。想到自己城堡的防御工事非常坚固,我心里感到很高兴。我知道那小船至少要过十小时才能浮起来。到那时,天也差不多黑了,我就可以更好地观察他们的行动,偷听他们的谈话了。 In the meantime I fitted myself up for a battle as before, thoughwith more caution, knowing I had to do with another kind of enemy than I had atfirst. I ordered Friday also, whom I had made an excellent marksman with hisgun, to load himself with arms. I took myself two fowling-pieces, and I gavehim three muskets. 与此同时,我像以前那样作好战斗准备。这一次,我比过去更加小心,因为我知道,我要对付的敌人与从前是完全不一样的。现在,我已把星期五训练成一个很高明的射手了。我命令他也把自己武装起来。我自己拿了两支鸟枪,给了他三支短枪。My figure, indeed, was very fierce; I had my formidable goat-skincoat on, with the great cap I have mentioned, a naked sword by my side, twopistols in my belt, and a gun upon each shoulder. 我现在的样子,真是狰狞可怕:身上穿件羊皮袄,样子已够吓人,头上戴顶大帽子,那古怪劲儿我前面也曾提到过。腰间照常挂着一把没有刀鞘的刀,皮带上插了两支手枪,双肩上各背了一支枪。It was my design, as I said above, not to have made any attempt tillit was dark; but about two o'clock, being the heat of the day, I found thatthey were all gone straggling into the woods, and, as I thought, laid down tosleep. The three poor distressed men, too anxious for their condition to getany sleep, had, however, sat down under the shelter of a great tree, at about aquarter of a mile from me, and, as I thought, out of sight of any of the rest. 上面我已经说过,我不想在天黑之前采取任何行动。下午两点钟左右,天气最热。我发现他们都三三两两地跑到树林里,大概去睡觉了。那三个可怜的人,深为自己目前的处境忧虑,睡也睡不着,只好在一棵大树的荫凉下呆呆地坐着,离我大约一百多码远。而且,看样子其他人看不见他们坐的地方。Upon this I resolved to discover myself to them, and learn somethingof their condition; immediately I marched as above, my man Friday at a gooddistance behind me, as formidable for his arms as I, but not making quite sostaring a spectre-like figure as I did. 看到这种情况,我决定走过去了解一下他们的情况。我马上向他们走过去。我上面说了,我的样子狰狞可怕;我的仆人星期五远远地跟在我后面,也是全副武装,样子像我一样可怕,但比我稍好一些,不像我那样,像个怪物。






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