The impetus of parents

2022-02-19 11:31:5301:51 10
But that's not always the impetus of parents imposing these activities on their children's lives. Parents have their own job to be done, and it can overshadow the desire to help their children develop processes. They have a job of wanting to feel like a good parent: see all the opportunities I'm providing for my child? Or parents,
often with their heart in the right place,project their own hopes and dreams onto their children.
When these other intentions start creeping in, and parents seem to be carting their children around to an endless array of activities in which the kids are not truly engaged,it should start to raise red flags.Are the children developing from these experiences the deep, important processes such as teamwork, entrepreneurship, and learning the value of preparation? Or are they just going along for the ride? When we so heavily focus on providing our children with resources, we need to ask ourselves a new set of questions:Has my child developed the skill to develop better skills? The knowledge to develop deeper knowledge? The experience to learn from his experiences? These are the critical differences between resources and processes in our children's minds and hearts--and,I fear,the unanticipated residual of outsourcing.

