Solve problems early

2022-02-20 17:38:3102:53 12
I'm not advocating throwing kids straight into the deep end to see whether they can swim.Instead,it's a case of starting early to find simple problems for them to solve on their own,problems that can help them build their processes--and a healthy self-esteem.As I look back on my own life,I recognize that some of the greatest gifts I received from my parents stemmed not from what they did for me-but rather from what they didn't do for me.One such example: my mother never mended my clothes.I remember going to her when I was in the early grades of elementary school,with holes in both socks of m y favorite pair. M y mom had just had her sixth child and was deeply involved in our church activities.She was very,very busy.Our family had no extra money anywhere,so buying new socks was just out of the question.So she told me to go string thread through a needle,and to come back when I had done it.That accomplished-it took me about ten minutes,whereas I'm sure she could have done it in ten seconds- she took one of the socks and showed me how to run the needle in and out around the periphery of the hole,rather than back and forth across the hole,and then simply to draw the hole closed.This took her about thirty seconds.Finally,she showed me how to cut and knot the thread.She then handed me the second sock,and went on her way.
A year or so later— I probably was in third grade—I fell down on the playground at school and ripped my Levi's.This was serious, because I had the standard family ration of two pairs of school trousers. So I took them to my mom and asked if she could repair them.She showed me how to set up and operate her sewing machine, including switching it to a zigzag stitch; gave me an idea or two about how she might try to repair it if it were she who was going to do the repair,and then went on her way.I sat there clueless at first,but eventually figured it out.


How To Solve It

