I did that

2022-02-21 16:11:1001:36 4
Although in retrospect these were very simple things, they represent a defining point in my life. They helped me to learn that I should solve my own problems whenever possible; they gave me the confidence that I could solve my own problems; and they helped me experience pride in that achievement.It's funny,but every time I put those socks on until they were threadbare,I looked at that repair in the toe and thought,“I did that.”I have no memory now of what the repair to the knee of those Levi's looked like,but I'm sure it wasn't pretty.When I looked at it,however,it didn't occur to me that I might not have done a perfect mending job.I only felt pride that I had done it.
As for my mom,I have wondered what she felt when she saw me walk out the door to school wearing those patched knee trousers.Some mothers might have been embarrassed to have their child seen in such tatters— that it evidenced how few pennies our family had to spare. But I think my mom didn't even look at my Levi's. I think she was looking at me, and probably saw in me the same thing I saw in the patch:
“I did that.

