I must confess

2022-04-02 13:12:3103:03 11
I MUST CONFESS: if you'd told me three years ago, just before I was to embark on an adventure to business school in a faraway land,that I was going to come out the other side as the coauthor of a book ... well, I almost certainly would not have believed you.If you had told me that it was going to be a book based upon applying some of the most rigorous business theories in the world to finding happiness and fulfillment in life ... well, in that case, I might have even laughed.
It is funny how life works out sometimes.
The starting point for my acknowledgments most certainly has to be someone whom I feel incredibly lucky to be able to call a mentor and a friend: Clay Christensen.I can tell you that the path my life was on changed the very first day that I sat in class with Clay.After warning us that he learned the most from the classes at school he found the most difficult, he cold-called me (this is business school-speak for the unexpected and often difficult question at the start of a class). In a scene to be played out many times after,he patiently waited as I fumbled my way through,and then very gently made sure that we all truly understood the answer to the question he had asked. Repeat this for a semester—learning from a teacher who has a genuine interest and concern for everyone in the classroom,and who just happens to be one of the smartest people in the world- and by the end,I promise you,you will have learned a lot.Everything Clay does is driven by that genuine interest and concern for those around him.In the entire time I have known him,I have never seen it waver.It was there partway through the semester,when he was diagnosed with cancer— as soon as he could,he was straight back in class with us.It was overwhelmingly powerful on our last day of class,when he worked through with us the three questions that are contained within this book.His family was in the room at the time;none of us had any idea whether it was the last time he would be able to take that class.The only effect it seemed to have on him was to make him even more determined to help us.

