Thank my friends at Booz Co

2022-04-06 15:45:2701:29 6
I want to thank my friends at Booz & Co.for their patience and support.Two people come to mind in particular:Tim Jackson and M ichele Huey. I doubt I would have made it here in the first place without your help.Thank you both.
There''s a story that Clay tells in the second chapter about his classmates keeping each other honest,pushing one another to do something with their lives that they really felt was meaningful.I had a pretty broad grin on my face when I first heard that story,because although as students of Harvard Business School Clay and I are separated by a few years, I,too, had benefited from exactly the same thing.A group of my own friends pushed me, challenged me, cajoled me into doing something I believed in,something I thought was meaningful, and they wouldn''t let me settle: Taahir Khamissa, Anthony Bangay, Gui Mercier, and D. J. DiDonna.Similarly, back home, Kamy Saeedi and John Smith played a very similar role. Thank you, guys, so much.

