Description:complex & simple

2022-07-21 12:13:5101:12 17
And you can be rich in description in several different ways.You can say the rain was poring down,the night was very dark. It is very plain but it is descriptive.Or y can say the rain was poring down in buckets,you would have thought it was the end of the world.It was a dark and stormy night. The gusts were billowing. The trees were whipping back and forth in a frenzy.You can add on.You can have an ornate style,which is one thing,or you can just have a lot of concrete objects,sounds and smells,which aren't necessarily described with adjectives.They are more likely to be nouns.So detail need not necessarily be adjectival detail. You can say there was a fork a spoon a knife a plate a cup and a rose in a small cut glass vase. There is one adjective in all of that. It's"small". In my own work I usually subtract.So I pare down somewhat rather than adding things in.

