To study effectively

2022-04-14 14:10:2402:07 17
Harvard psychology professor Jordan B Peterson shared three effective learning methods: 1. Plan; 2. Space it out; 3. Recall the learning contents.

We don't know anything about how to improve intelligence but I can tell you that people who are industrious come up with a strategy for solving the problem that's ahead of them and they do whatever they can to stick to the strategy and so. For example,if you sat down today or tomorrow for a couple of hours,three hours,and you filled in a Google Calendar or whatever you happen to use with a strategy for studying and a list of when all your assignments are due and all of that and when you are going to sit down and study, then you won't be in a position where you have to cram for ten hours a day hopelessly right before you know an important exam. It's also a very ineffective way of studying by the way. I mean first of all people who cram for ten hours say they're studying for ten hours but they rarely are. Because I can't study for ten hours. I can manage about three hours of intense intellectual activity before I'm pretty done. And it is also the case that if you study and then sleep and then study and then sleep and then study and then sleep,you space it out. Then you're much more likely to remember. It's also much more likely that you're much more likely to remember if you try to recall the material and so highlighting and that sort of thing isn't very useful but reading closing the book summarizing what you've read without opening the damn book. That's useful and the reason for that is that you're practicing remembering and that's what you have to practice,if you're practicing memorization you have to practice remembering,you don't just go over the thing over and over.
哈佛心理学教授Jordan B Peterson分享了三种有效的学习方法:1。计划;2.把学习休息间隔开;3.回忆学习内容。



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