The Cat's Tale猫的故事(上) | 原版英语童话故事

2022-11-14 11:53:2712:51 51

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Hello everyone. I hope you are all well and have had a good week. So...sorry, I have my chair is in the way. There we are. Pushing it out the way. Doesn't look that nice to look at.


Oh, and I didn't turn my light on. It's very dark here today. The clocks have changed. We change them in the United Kingdom, which means it's normally a little bit lighter in the morning, but it gets dark really early.


England is a funny country because in the summer doesn't get dark to about 10 o’clock at night. But in the winter, it can get dark at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It's often dark in the morning.


When the clocks change, in the autumn, the clocks go back one hour, in the spring, they go forward. It means it's lighter in the morning. But today, it's a really grey, wet and windy day. And it's really cold.


And you might sometimes think why do people in England always talk about the weather. Well, it's because it changes all the time. Sometimes we say England is a country that has four seasons in one day, meaning that in a day, it can minute, it feels like winter, then it can feel like autumn, then it can feel like spring and then summer.


Doesn't really mean all four seasons. What it means is that weather changes very, very quickly in England, and it depends which way the wind is blowing.If the wind is blowing in one direction, that we get the heat that comes up from Africa, it's called the Gulf Stream. And it actually makes England quite a warm country.


But if a wind is blowing down from the north, north of the world, then we get the really cold weather, or weather that comes over from the east, sometimes we get the weather from Russia. So sometimes it's really cold. Sometimes it's really warm, but it changes all the time.


So last week, I think I was teaching wearing shorts. Well, I wouldn't be wearing shorts today because it's actually really cold. So that's why the British talk about the weather so often.

所以上周,我想我是穿着短裤给你们上课的,但今天我没有穿短裤上课了,因为这里真的很冷。 所以这就是英国人经常谈论天气的原因。

Our story today, take us on a little adventure. I'm going to share the screen with you. And I quite like the title of this book. It's called the Cat's Tale. So we use the , this called the definite articles. The Cat’s Tale.


And “Cat’s” has got an “’s”. We spoke about that a lot, it means the tale belongs to the cat. And you probably think that the cat's tale refers to the tail on its body. But it's not. It's spelled differently. It's spelled T-A-L-E. And that type of tale is a story.

Cat’s”,这里有一个“'s”。我们经常谈到这个问题,它意味着这个故事是属于猫的。你可能认为这里的“cat's tale”指的是猫身上的尾巴。但并非如此。它的拼写不一样。它的拼写是T,A,L,E。而“tale”指的是故事。

So we get these words in every language. Sometimes their words that mean two different things but they're pronounced the same. And with this one, they're spelt differently. So a cat has a tail at the end of its body. And a /teɪl/ is also a story. One is spelt T-A-I-L. The other one is spelt T-A-L-E.


We also sometimes get words are spelt exactly the same, but they're pronounced differently. That makes it really hard. We have to look for clues within the sentence to make sure that we pronounce it, we say it correctly. That would be like a wind, andto wind. To wind something up, or it was wind around the tree.

而有时候,我们会有拼写一样,但读音不一样的单词。这使其变得颇有难度我们必须在句子中寻找线索,以确保我们的读音、我们的发音是正确的。比如“wind”这个单词,和“to wind”这个词组。把东西卷起来,或者说是缠绕在树上。

The ivy is going to wind, the plant is going to wind around the tree. It spelt W-I-N-D. And wind is spelt W-I-N-D. So they're exactly the same words, exactly the same. But they mean two different things, and they are pronounced, said differently.


So this is a clever idea here. The cat's tale. We think it's going to mean the “tail” on the end of its body. But actually, it's the cat's tale, meaning the cat's Story.

所以这个书名起得很巧妙。猫的故事读书名的时候,我们以为指的是猫身体末尾的尾巴。但它实际上是“the cat's tale”,意思是猫的故事。

And in this story, we have an emperor, and an emperor is a king. Another name for a king. And in Britain, we have a king. His name is King Charles III. And he is the King of England. In countries in history like China, they used to have an emperor. And in some countries like Japan, they still do have an emperor. And they are very important people. Or in history, they were very important to people.


And most kings, queens, emperor(s), empresses are believed to have been chosen by a god. And in Britain, the Kings and Queens, go, back family, the dynasty, go back about a thousand years.


So they can look at King Charles III, the King of England, and work out who his mummy was, his mummy's mummy's mummy's...go back, go back, go back, go back...right the way through history. And the great kings like Henry VIII, Henry VII, Henry V. Right the way back to the early kings about a thousand years ago.


So this story has an emperor in it. Let's have a little look. The Cats Tale.



「Long ago, in China, there lived an emperor. He wanted to count the yearsto see how old he was.」


If I give every New Year a name, I can count them, he said.


Then, the Emperor had an idea.


I will give each New Year the name of an animal, he said. The animals must have a race. The first twelve animals to swim across the river will be the winners.


So the Emperor called all the animals and told them about the swimming race.


So our story takes us to China back in the times of the Emperor. And the emperor used to live in the Forbidden City, the Forbidden Palace in the Beijing. And here is a story about what to call the different names.


So in some countries, we have a year of the Rat, the Pig. In other countries, we just call it a calendar year, so we use numbers. In different countries, sometimes use more than one system, other countries will just use one system.


So in England, we count, and our counting comes from an old calendar for a religion called Christianity, and we call it BC, “Before Christ”, and AD, “Anno Domini”, which is Latin, it means“in the year of our Lord”.

所以在英国,我们以数字记录年份,我们的计数方式来自一个一个叫做基督教的宗教古老历法我们称之为BC,即“基督之前”,以及AD,即 Anno Domini,这是拉丁语,意思是主的年份

And what it really means is that Christians believe that Jesus lived 2000 years ago. And our calendar is worked out from when Jesus was born. So we are in...we normally just say the year 2000, we can say 2022 nearly 2023, but that is where our calendar comes from.


But other countries around the world can have different calendars or multiple calendars. So some might say it is the year of the and an animal, but it is also the year 2022.


So a little competition. Well, what animals can we see? We can see a pig, a rabbit, a chicken, a cat, a tiger, an ox, a snake, a monkey and a dragon. There we are. They're quite nice pictures, aren't they?


「Cat was not happy. She did not like to swim.」


I don't like water!she said to Rat. But I want to win the race and give the New Year my name.


I want to give the New Year my name,” Rat said to himself. I need a plan to help me win the race.


After a while, he smiled.


So here we have the Cat, she. And the Rat, himself.


The Cat doesn't want to swim. Cats don't really like water very much. But the Rat wants to win the race. I need a plan.Let's see what happens next.




Pete the cat



The Cat Mummy



Pete The Cat



Otto the Cat





简介:海顿·摩尔(Haydon Moore)先生毕业于牛津大学,后在布莱顿大学深造并获得教育研究生资格证书(PGCE)。摩尔先生拥有30年的教学经验,其中25年在英国私校任职,他曾在位于萨塞克斯郡的一流名校——阿斯顿预备学校(Ashdown House)担任高级教师和舍监11年,任职校长6年。摩尔先生在择校方面经验丰富,帮助许多学生进入了伊顿、西敏、哈罗、温切斯特、拉德利、威雅、博耐顿和切尔滕纳姆女子学院等著名公学,以及萨姆菲尔德等预备学校。2018年,摩尔先生创办了Trinity Learning(TL教育),为有意向将孩子送来英国接受教育的家庭,提供多方面的指导和服务。