Chapter 6

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神灵走开了,转瞬间就用 12 个金盘子装着米、肉、面包和水果回来了。他把盘子放在他们面前就消失了。阿拉丁和他母亲大吃了一顿。吃完后阿拉丁就拿着其中的一个盘子到市场上卖了两枚金币。
6 个仆人用轿了抬着公主从街道上走过,人们都驻足观望。“公主!白狱伦布杜鲁公主!”他们欢呼道。当轿子经过他身边时,阿拉丁看到了公主的脸。她很漂亮,眼睛又大又黑一一她是阿拉伯最漂亮的女子。轿子过去好一会儿了,阿拉丁还是待在那儿没有动。然后他就飞奔回家。“妈妈!妈妈!我在街上看到苏丹的女儿白狄伦布杜鲁公主了。”阿拉丁脸色苍白,
“我一定要娶公主为妻!但是,阿拉丁 ??他母亲说。没有什么“但是,,妈妈。 我爱公主,我想娶她。你去苏丹那儿为我求亲吧。我?去苏丹的王宮?不,不,不,”阿拉丁的母亲说,“听着,儿子。苏丹的女儿是不会嫁给穷小子的。”

Chapter 6

The jinnee went away and came back in a second with rice, meat, bread and fruit on twelve gold plates. He put the plates in front of them and went away.
Aladdin and his mother ate and ate. Then Aladdin took one of the plates to the market and sold it for two pieces of gold.Every day after that, Aladdin rubbed the lamp. And when the jinnee came Aladdin said:Bring us rice and meat. And every day he sold the gold plates.Soon. Aladdin and his mother were rich.
Five years later, Aladdin had a shop in the market and three market-sellers worked for him. The sellers liked Aladdin because he was good to them. The market children liked Aladdin too, because he gave them money when he walked past.Everybody liked Aladdin.

Aladdin's mother never called her son a good-for-nothing now. They had a nice house near the gardens and she had many beautiful things. But only Aladdin and his mother knew about the magic lamp and the jinnee.Oneday Aladdin heard a noise in the street and stopped to listen.The Sultan's daughter is coming,' he heard.Princess Badr-al-Budur is coming!Six slaves carried the Princess through the streets a litter and the people stopped to watch.
'Princess! Princess Badral Budur!' they called.Aladdin watched when the litter came past him and he saw the Princess's face.She was beautiful, with big dark eyes the most beautiful woman in Arabia. The litter went past Aladdin, but for some minutes he did not move. Then he ran home.Mother! Mother! I saw the Sultan's daughter. Princess Badr-al-Budur in the street.' Aladdin's face was white.I must have the Princess for my wife!But, Aladdin? ' his mother began.No " buts " , Mother. I love the Princess and I want to marry her. Go to the Sultan and ask for me.Me?Goto the Sultan's palace? No, no, no. Aladdin's mother said.Listen,my son. The daughters of a Sultan do not marry poor boys from the city.'But we are not poor now, Mother. And we can give the Sultan something for his daughter. Wait.Aladdin went away and got the fruit from the magic garden under the ground. Now, of course, he knew it was not fruit, but white, red, green, and yellow jewels.Take these jewels, Mother, on a gold plate.' he said,
and give them to the Sultan.'

