
2023-04-14 15:08:4008:14 40

Well, as the word i swear it's under top of my tongue i studied this language for so long for years that i can't remember this word if learning languages is a part of your life i'm pretty sure that for getting that language off. To a certain amount of time. Happened to you before it's actually funny how long it takes for us to learn a language yet we can forget it so quickly that's probably one of the most annoying thing about learning languages so today we re going to discover some methods to prevent this. Happening tip number one the inevitable thing you need to do was exposing to assault it out language as frequent as possible. Probably more frequent than you might even think our mind is exceptionally good add for getting things to prevent our brain remembering irrelevant information. Your brain has a system to decide which information to hold on and which information to forget but how do the system work. It's actually quite simple the more you repeat a certain information the more it's sticks your memory think about your name for example when somebody asks about your name what's your name. Today, you don't even hesitate or you don't even think about it it's because this piece of information so your name is repeated throughout your life so many times that your brain recognized. Well maybe i should remember this information so now is move to the long-term memory and that's what we want to do with our foreign language right but the problem when it comes to the exposure to the foreign language is that it doesn't really happen naturally if you don't live in the country for example. You live in the us and you want to learn french how often do, you think that you need to have a french knowledge in the us?To maybe survive in some sort of illustration. Probably not that often because i can't say never because you don't know what life brings so maybe maybe there are some situations that you would need french but it's not really. Frequent that your brain starts to think like oh maybe i should remember those french force because it's really important for my life no it doesn't happen naturally so if you are not getting this exposure to that language naturally what we need to do is we need to. Make these exposure by ourselves we need to create this exposure and creating this exposure actually requires a clear system and with power but to be honest that's everything when it comes to life not only about learning languages. System will power and frequency consistency that's only. One of the easiest way to make this happen is building a habit where you get exposed to this language affordlessly if you wouldn't make it affordlessly and easy then it just becomes a habit of ours. I will recommend listening to audio books or podcasts or maybe even uchi videos whenever you re commuting the average american spans fifty five minutes for commuting to work. That's a perfect time for you to get exposure to your target language by defining when and what exactly you are going to do it will be much clear and easier to get results you want if you put the effort obviously but after our listening to an episode. Or maybe chapter you need to do an effective output learning stuff is all about inputting information and then outputting that information so after every time try to summarize what you have listened in a couple of sentences and because you know you need to. Some rise it afterwards you will be more likely to focus what the audio book podcast youtube video whatever is talking about there is no reason for you to sleep on your commute time to do something actually beneficial for you so use this time?Wisely and never say you don't have time to learn a language tip number two. How do, you usually spend your time before going to bed answer unsleepless. You probably reach out to your phone and like i do maybe you probably consume something on internet the internet is full of stimulation for your brain and. Don't you think we is a little bright from it and you probably heard this hundred times in your life but reading is an excellent habit for preventing overschemation. That social media does because when you compare the amount of information will get exposed per second the difference is insane everything on your screen screams to get your attention. So why not to give your brain a little break. Little regressed. When you unwind for a good nice rest. To stay up the date on the latest book in your target language you might try pursuing good reason list. To see what other readers are enjoying。For instance there are plenty of lists of spanish language books german language books. French language books and even english language books lists. So from there there are links to help you find where to purchase the book only have to do is double chick to make sure it's in your target language to get most out of your even ingreding try reading aloud this way, you will not only reinforce your reading skills you'll. Also keep up your speaking practice tip number three if you want to do something more comprehensive to do some reminding touchups in every area of language such as vocabulary grammar listening and speaking you definitely need to try out. Busu busu break sound learning in small and achievable lessons that makes learning easier and motivating so that you can do activities in any given spare time that is free to download and you can also use it in web. That only you can learn new vocabulary and maybe do some grammar refreshing activities though grammar and vocabulary remutable that helps you to remember everything you have learned in the lessons also if you don't know where to start you definitely need to check out boos's study plan. It breaks a language down in chunks. Reminds you when and what the study and also prevents you from setting on realistic goals. I ll have a lincoln dove's cushion below in the common section also so that you can try boosu for free. Tip number four starting a new hobby using that language will not only be fun but it will much easier for you to actually put the work in i don't know about you but i'm a serious procrastinator so if i don't injure something deeply like if i。Don't really like enjoy it i often find myself procrastinating and making bunch of excuses. To escape from that and those excuses are so logical to me at that moment that i never try to do that thing one very common hobby. When you can integrate your target language is watching some netflix series. IM pretty sure you will forget why you were watching it in the first place if series are good so you might even look forward for that netflix language learning time but if you are not into watching netflix series like i do, you can try daily journaling. Your target language you can use ups your ipad or maybe notion or classical pen and paper. To write down your thoughts. Journaling has many benefits and when you start experience the mental clarity it gives i'm pretty sure that you will start to enjoy it the great thing about journaling in a foreign language is that since you are writing your thoughts. You will get better at expressing your emotions and your thoughts in your target language language is a communication tool and it connects people right being able to talk about the weather or something formal in a perfect grammar and fluency might help you in. Certain situations but if you want to connect with people deeply in the language then you need to underst,and the other person but they re feeling and what they re thinking but understanding is not enough。You also needics for yourself and journally is the perfect weight?To stat we all know that taking one on one lesses with native speakers. Once of each might be the best thing. But sometimes maybe it's not really accessible for you. Or maybe you are really shy. Journey doesn't require any of it you can do it anywhere any given time. And you don't need to show to someone else to. And also if you have penn paper which probably we all have。You can start it right away. It will also help you achieve your goals i hope all these tips help you guys and i wish, you guys a great language learning journey i guess. See my next video。
























