加州亿万富豪Rick Caruso 2023年USC学士典礼演讲:怀揣梦想,勇往直前!

2023-07-19 11:43:3119:24 5745

Thank you, Carol. Incredibly generous and kind. I'm appreciative and I'm humbled. Before I get into my remarks, I would like to say the last 4 years with Carol and the lead of this university has been a remarkable journey. And as much as we talk about it and the great words of the dean explaining all the changes that Carol has made to this university, it's really impossible to know the depth of the changes that she has made, especially given what she was inherited.


I have been around a lot of great leaders. I've been blessed whether it's in business or academia, whatever the case is. I have never met anybody quite like Carol fault nor a better leader. So Carol, thank you for your great leadership to this university.


I'd like to congratulate all the graduates. It's an honor and a privilege to share this evening with you. No greater honor has actually come to me other than being invited to speak at this ceremony. And if I can, I want to speak on behalf of all the parents and the grandparents that are in the room tonight. I know that you feel your hearts are full. You're incredibly proud of all of these graduates. You grads actually make parenthood seem like a very good idea. And your parents are prouder of you than you will ever know.


Tomorrow, you are graduating from one of the world's great universities. Mark this moment. You made it. A lot of late nights, too much coffee, roommates with no boundaries. Obviously, a lot has happened these past few years, some very turbulent times. You passed all the tests. The real world now awaits you with semi open arms. But I promise your USD education will serve you well. It will help you through even more turbulent times.


As Carol referenced, my immigrant grandmother, she used to always tell me and my siblings, Rick, life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid. Should have met my grandmother. There's about this tall, with a degree in hand. You will never need to worry about being smart because you have received one of the finest educations a mind can be given.


Now, as you know, the baccalaureate ceremony is unlike commencement tomorrow. It's about something more transcendental and spiritual. I take this tradition seriously. And if you don't mind, I will close with a prayer for you.


So to begin with, I want to tell you 3 short and very personal stories that, frankly I don't talk much about, if at all. They have nothing to do with gpas or educational accomplishments. They deal with instead the less credentialed way to look at life, at faith and success. These are stories from my life and about people I know and love. And then I want to tell you a 4 story. Whoa, that's okay.What do you want to bet? She didn't vote for me.



Thank you. Thank you very much. I should stop now. I'm ahead of the game. The first story is about my father who was sent to jail when I was 14 months old, when I was running from air the LA times to the front page story. And in the article was a photo of the newspaper reporting his conviction in the early 19 50s. My father and I never spoke of it. At the time it was huge news and the big headline on the front page read, Caruso fine $10000, given a year's jail term.


At the time, my father was well known as one of the largest car dealers in the world, selling more than a thousand cars a month. When he was indicted, he lost his dealerships and he lost his fortune.


I was 14 months old and too young to remember him going to jail. But that fact was made known to me in first grade when some kids at school taunted me and yelled out, your dad's been in jail. He's a crook. My father was my idol, my best friend. It hurt so much that I ran into the corner of the boy's bathroom and cried. I remember it like yesterday.


My first grade teacher, sister Edith, a large woman in an old fashioned nuns habit, comforted me. She folded me into that big habit and held me close. It was if she was trying to press me into all of that peace and love of her comforting faith. I will never forget it. I felt embarrassed and hurt. My father, I'm sure, felt great shame.


He was the son of 2 Italian grimoire immigrants who had nothing of worth except their faith, their family and their belief in this country. And actually, that's quite a bit. And they expected their children to do the right thing and be grateful that they were in America, a land with endless opportunity. My father's situation was counter to what my grandparents would have expected from their children. My father had close friends, but after being in jail, he withdrew socially.


I'm sure that's why he was always against me running for office. I also know why he wanted me to go to law school. He said he didn't realize what was going on, didn't understand it, had bad advisors. He wanted me to go to law school to protect myself and in truth, I went more for him than for me.


Yet 5 years after my father got out of jail, he opened a car rental business. Had 18 Volkswagen beetles, if you remember those. Then he opened a few more locations and then was opening franchises around the country and around the world. You may have heard of that company called della rennie car. It became one of the largest car rental companies in the world.

然而,在我父亲出狱5年后,他开了一家汽车租赁公司。有18辆大众甲壳虫,如果你还记得的话。然后他又开了几家店,然后在全国和世界各地开设了特许经营店。你可能听说过一家叫della rennie汽车的公司。它成为了世界上最大的汽车租赁公司之一。

The reason I tell you my father's story is because it's about resilience, of rising above shame, rising above failure and rising above loss. He was suited all came back after being knocked down and lost his wealth and his reputation. My father did not have a diploma, but he did have courage. He had courage the way LA has sunshine.


The second story I want to tell you is about my daughter Gianna, who graduated from USC last year. The year Giannawas born, a law went into effect requiring babies to be tested at birth for hearing. The day after she was born, we Learned that she had severe hearing loss. We felt the rush of joy at having a daughter and then the rush of worry and pain, wondering how this disability might affect this little life that we held in our arms.


We immediately went to experts to get her tested. She had permanent hearing loss. She was given hearing aids at 6 months old. As a child, she felt the social stigma of walking into a classroom wearing hearing aids. I think we can all imagine that as a child, she was embarrassed. The hearing aids made her feel different from other children. She felt like everyone was looking at her.


It was harder to make friends. And many times she didn't want to go to class. Little things others take for granted are difficult, like sleepovers. For her friends, the fun started when the lights went out and the parents went to bed. But for Gianna, that's when the fun ended. She felt isolated and alone because she couldn't read lips anymore. She felt disconnected and there were difficulties in class. She had trouble hearing teachers and couldn't read lips when they worked on the blackboard. It is mentally exhausting.


We learn to read lips and remain alert in class and understand what's happening around you. She would come home and fall asleep. We finally got her some help, but the big help was a new technology, an advancement that hearing aids went deep into the air canal, basically invisible, up right against the eardrum. The minute the USC ideologist inserted them, Gianna's eyes lit up.


Giannaheard sounds she had never heard before. That night we were at home and Janice said, mom, dad, it's raining. And I said, yes, it is, it's raining. And she said, no, dad, I hear the rain. And then it clicked. I understood. That was the first time she heard raindrops.


Giannasays that in many ways, her hearing loss provided her a different kind of gift. We talked about it again last night. It taught her resilience. It taught her to trust that she could adjust to new and difficult circumstances. Giannahas resilience the way LA has nice shiny cars.


In abundance, Giannahas put her disability to work for others. She holds festivals for children and their parents. We're deaf. I sat with one father who just started crying. I totally understood. Gianna's story is a story of a child who persevered. Although she has a degree from USC, years before she earned a degree in rising above.


Now the 3rd story comes from my own experience. 6 months ago today, I was elated. I thought I had been elected mayor. The election returns were still being counted. But even a week after election day, I thought I had won. At the campaign, we were making plans for a transition and the inauguration. And then it flipped and I had lost. Now, at first, I sort of accepted it. I was telling people, if I lost, how come I feel so good? And that was true. I did feel good because the campaign was invigorating and challenging and rewarding in so many ways.


But then amidst this glow of good feeling, I became disappointed and saddened. I don't know whether I was depressed, but I didn't have the same energy for a while, for a couple months. It was tough. I had felt disappointment in my life, but not to that degree. And then I began to put into perspective what had happened in my life over the course of the campaign. I regained my equilibrium back because I began to appreciate the depth of the experience I had been through and the people I had come to know.


One woman in particular I got to know and has become a dear friend, and I speak of her often, is lawanda Hawkins. When Rwanda lost her child to gang violence in south LA, she founded an organization called, and get this name, justice for murdered children. She took her pain, she took her heartache, she took her devastation and she rose above. Her endorsement meant so much to me. She's an angel to the city of Los Angeles.


Every Thanksgiving she gives away dinners to hundreds of people in her community who have been affected somehow by gang violence. But guess what happened after she endorsed me? The city cut off her funding and cut off the support for the dinners. How petty. How morally corrupt. So Teen and I donated the 400 dinners and went down to help.


Lowanda is what I love about politics. And how she was treated is what I hate about politics. Her resilience does not come from a diploma. And the resilience of the other mothers who've lost children doesn't come from a diploma. Lawanda has resilience. She has courage. She has heart. Just the way the Trojans now have touchdowns.


Now, finally, my last story, and it's about all of you in this great class, I see a resilience in you. And it is why I feel, too, that I have a special bond with this class. Your resilience goes beyond the fact that your years were marked by Covid epidemic, which disrupted your academic and social life. It was a remarkable burden, the hardship of which we are still learning.


But there is something else. Most of you came here when USC's downward spiral of betrayal and corruption was coming to light. This was also the period when I was asked to become chair of the board of trustees, which is why I will always think of you as my class.


This university was going through the most turbulent, most divisive time in its history. The comments online doubted the very integrity of the school that we love. Some said that the university was morally corrupt or morally bankrupt. The university was called a dishonest institution. I can tell you how many hours I spent going around listening to students and faculty, one student after another, feeling that the university had failed him.


But here's the thing that's truly important that I will never forget. You came to USC in spite of the scandals that were breaking. You believed in the core of USC was worth saving. You gave this university a chance to right itself, to prove itself, to reassert the values on which it had been founded. You believed in the resilience of USC. You had faith in us. And you had faith in your own ability to rise above the turmoil that had befallen this campus. And as chairman, and I know for my fellow trustees, we felt a true responsibility to live up to your trust.


I know the resilience you have displayed through Covid and through the university crisis will serve you in the years ahead. I hope it gives you confidence. In fact, at commencement tomorrow, I wish I could stamp on your diplomas a red wax, a seal of resiliency for each of you, because you have shown it. And with your resiliency, I pray that you do not shy away from taking the high road, from taking enough risks, from seeking enough challenges.


Now, I mention a prayer because I think it's obviously so appropriate at your baccalaureate. So I'd like to read a passage from one of my favorites. Disturb us ward when we are too pleased with ourselves, when our dreams have come true, because I've dreamed too little, when we have arrived safely, because we have sailed too close to shore. Disturbeth lord to dare more boldly to venture on Wilder seas where storms show your mastery. We're losing sight of land. We shall find the stars.


But as you pursue your individual past and venture boldly and find the stars, I pray that you help others to be resilient and rise above. When you see someone in need, I pray that you lend a hand. When you find someone who is getting down, I pray that you lift them up. When you help someone lead a better life, you are creating a better world.


The people that I admire the most are the ones that give back and are glad for it, who remember where they came from and how much they owe to others. As Trojans, you will soar. You will be laser focused on obtaining your goals with speed and precision. But no matter how high you soar or how fast your life moves, pause, reach back and bring somebody along. Everyone in this audience can remember a time when somebody did us a good turn or maybe just gave us a break when it really mattered?


To bring this to close, I would like to add a final thought. You are here today because something called you to be here, something unspoken that could not be met at tomorrow's commencement. The spiritual, call it faith or whatever you want to call it, it has always given me resiliency when I let it. It has given me the same feeling as sister Edith holding me close. It has given me comfort. It has given me strength. It has provided the arms to hold me. It is beyond the credentials of a degree.


I pray daily and today I pray for you as you set out on your journey tomorrow, proudly with your degree in hand. I pray that you do not suffer the hardships of my father, my daughter Gianna, or Rwanda. But if you do, I pray that you may find yourselves, their resilience in your life, their strength and their means of rising above, which would otherwise hold you down. And I pray that in your lives, you may find the love, the peace and the comfort of sister Edith. Thank you very much.






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