06 Stormy years in France(9)

2024-04-06 20:18:0201:26 3.3万

'Follow me' said the frightened man, and Defarge and Jacques Three went with him through the dark prison, past heavy closed doors, up stone stairs, until they came to a low door. It was a small room, with dark stone walls and only one very small window, too high for anyone to look out. Defarge looked carefully along the walls.
  'There, look there, Jacques Three, ' he cried.
  'A.M.!'whispered Jacques.
  'A.M. Alexandre Manette, ' said Defarge softly.'Let us go now.' But before they left, they searched the room and the furniture very carefully, looking for small hiding-places.
  Then they returned to the crowds below. The Bastille and its officers were now in the hands of the people, and the people wanted revenge, and blood.
  'At last, it has begun, my dear, ' said Defarge to his wife. It was the fourteenth of July, 1789.


