The Sleeping Beauty 睡美人 part.2

2024-03-13 21:35:5004:14 5.9万



The little child grew up in the King’s house. She became a Princess. The Princess wanted to see all that she could. She wanted to know what the men were doing in the garden. She wanted to know the names of all the flowers and of all the trees. She said to the men in the King’s garden, "What is the name of this flower? What is the name of this tree?" In the house she wanted to see all that there was to see.

She wanted to know how many rooms there were in the King’s house, and who lived in all the rooms. So she went into one room, and then into another room, and then into another. She went into big rooms and little rooms, and very little rooms. Then she said, "I have been to all the rooms in the house." But there was one room where she had not gone.

As she went on, she came to a new room. It was a little room very far away from all the other rooms. The door of the room was shut. The Princess wanted to go in and see what was in this room. She called, "Open the door!" But no one came. She called once. She called twice; then the door was opened. The Princess went into the room: and there she saw a very old woman.

The old woman was sitting near a table. On the table there was some cloth. The old woman had some cloth in one hand, and in the other hand she had a needle.

  The Princess said, "What are you doing?"
  "I am making something," said the old woman.
  "What are you making?" said the Princess.
  "I am making some clothes," said the old woman.
  “What is that in your hand?" said the Princess.
  "That is the cloth," said the old woman.
  "No!" said the Princess. "What is that in your other hand?"
"That?" said the old woman. "That is a needle."

The Princess said, "Give me the ’needle’; I want to see it. I have not seen a needle. I do not know what a needle is." 
The old woman said, "Have you not seen a needle? How can that be? You have seen many needles! Needles are seen in all houses."

The old woman gave the needle to the Princess. 

"Give me the cloth," said the Princess: ’I want to make clothes." Then the old woman gave the Princess the cloth.

The Princess pricked the cloth with the needle --but she pricked her hand. And she fell asleep!

Then all the men and the women in the house fell asleep. The King fell asleep at his table, and the Queen sitting near him fell asleep.

The man in the garden fell asleep with his axe in his hand. The man standing at the door of the house fell asleep where he stood. All were asleep.
A fairy came to the Princess. She took her and put her on a bed. Then the fairy said to the trees and to the flowers in the garden, " Grow!" The flowers grew up, and the trees grew big. There was a wall of trees and flowers. So no one could go into the house.

In the house the Princess slept; and the King slept, and all his men; and the Queen, and her women, slept.







