Friends S09E19: 信誉良好很兴奋 生活窘迫煞风景

2024-01-09 21:07:1808:33 100

1. in good standing 信誉良好 

Chandler策划了一个浪漫假日但因为Monica工作太忙无法成行。他打电话想更改行程不料对方说行程无法更改,Monica在一旁说自己是chef in big New York restaurant显示自己重要性,Phoebe赶紧也说自己I will once again be a masseuse in good standing.

in good standing 信誉良好

in good standing 可以指人或公司有非常良好的信誉,个人按时付账单,公司账户无欠款都可以被认为是in good standing. 在法律语境下公司的certificate of good standing 就是存续证明或合规证明。 

2. live on the edge 过着兴奋危险的生活

听到Chanlder无法退款,Ross建议用旅行保险。当得知Chandler根本没有旅行保险,Ross说This is what happens when people lives on the edge. 

live on the edge 过着一种充满兴奋和危险的生活,也可以理解为生活窘迫


Life balance is knowing that I do not live on the edge and that I feel secure walking through my life. 


Chandler: (To Monica) Have I got a surprise for you? Pack your bags!

Phoebe: Oh no!You guys aren't supposed to get divorced for 7 years!

Chandler: What? No, I'm taking Monica to a romantic inn in Vermont (shows them a brochure)!

Phoebe: Oh, good!Ok, good for you!Try to recapture the magic!

Chandler: So, what do you say? Can you get out of work?

Monica: Oh, honey!I can't. I was just telling these guys that things are crazy at the restaurant!

Chandler: Are you really that busy?

Monica: Yeah, I'm sorry. I really am.

Chandler: Oh, that's ok.I'll just try and reschedule. (on the phone) "Hi, this is Chandler Bing. I made a reservation there and I need to change it (pause) Oh, what do you mean it's not refundable? Can I just come some other time? (pause) Oh, can't you make an exception?"

Monica: Tell them I'm a chef in a big New York restaurant!

Phoebe: And tell them that in 2 weeks I will once again be a masseuse in good standing!

Chandler: (on the phone) "Look, this is ridiculous! I'm not paying for that room! Ok?" (pause) "Oh, thank you very much!" (hangs up) Yeah, I'm going to Vermont...

Ross: Oh, don't worry about it! Just use your travel insurance.

Chandler: I don't have travel insurance.

Ross: Well, this is what happens when people live on the edge!

3. mood killer 扫兴的人或事

Monica在询问餐厅客人用餐感受的时候,一个客人认为Phoebe在门口唱歌是mood killer


kill the mood:破坏情绪、破坏氛围,煞风景


mood killer就是:破坏氛围的人,扫兴的人


He can't stop telling boring jokes. He's killing the mood.


类似的短语还有 bummer, fun sucker 等等

1st Customer: Everything was delicious!

Monica: Thank you!

2nd Customer: It was. The duck in particular was superb.

Monica: Thank you!(she looks at the 3rd customer waiting for a compliment) You haven't said anything...

3rd Customer: Actually I do have one small complaint.

Monica: Oh..please!I-I welcome criticism.

3rd Customer: The musician right outside the's kind of a mood-killer!

4. be wound up 兴奋,紧张

Chandler带着Ross到了加拿大的酒店,一路上Ross吃了太多的maple candy变得比较兴奋,Chandler对接待员解释说He is a bit wound up. 

be wound up 紧张,兴奋

原型是wind sb up使某人感到兴奋,紧张或是不安。当然wind up有很多种意思,比如终止,总结或是上发条。 

Chandler: Hi, Chandler Bing, I have a reservation.

Receptionist: Welcome to the Chestnut Inn Mr. Bing, so where are you joining from?

Chandler: New York.

Ross: (in a strange voice and eating candies) The big apple!

Chandler: I'm sorry, he's a little bit wound up, we had to stop at every maple candy stand on the way here.

Ross: Yeah, I ate all my gifts for everybody.

5. lash out 猛击,严厉斥责

Monica和Phoebe因为在餐厅门口唱歌的事情经过争吵后又让餐厅的顾客举手表决她俩的对错,但双方最终认识到了自己的错误并向对方道歉。Phoebe就是说自己是stupid and stubborn不应该lash out.

lash out 猛击,严厉斥责

lash out是突然的猛烈攻击或斥责,通常接的介词是at或者against.另外还有一个意思是大手大脚地花钱。

例句:Let's lash out and have champagne. 

Joey: (sitting in a chair) Hey guys, so I just called the Powerball hotline, can you believe it? Nobody won.

PhoebeI beg to differ

Gunther: Maybe nobody won the jackpot, but there was this guy in here earlier, and he found the ticket on the street, right outside, and won $10,000.

Phoebe: (hides her mouth behind the cup and speaks in the "pigeon voice" from before) Coo, again. Don't blame the pretty lady. It was not her fault. It was me, the pigeon, coo! (pause) Seriously, stop staring at her.





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