The science of laziniess[福说英语][19-5-15]

2022-10-07 07:05:0307:14 153


Hello everyone, welcome to English Panorama. This is Krystal, I’m so happy to see you again.




Evolution has molded our brains and bodies to respond positively to natural rewards such as food ,sex and even exercise. The pleasure we experience comes largely from the dopamine system in our brain which conveys these messages throughout the body, ultimately helping to ensure the survival of our species.



For many, the pleasure derived from exercise can become just as addictive as food and sex. But while we’re all up for more food and sex, many struggle with the desire for physical activity, even though it's an essential part of human biology. Scientist studying mice have found an interesting genetic connection.



After separating mice into two groups -those that chose to run on their wheel more often and those that decided not to run as much-the difference was clear in their offspring. After 10 generations the running mice would run on their wheels 75% more often than the other group, and by 16 generations they were running 7 miles a day as opposed to the average 4 miles. It seemed their motivation for physical activity was genetic.




We all inherit genes from our parents that play a key role in the development of our brains and these genes can make some literally crave activity. In fact, the brains of the running mice had larger dopamine systems and regions that deal with motivation and reward.




They needed activity, otherwise their brains would react similar to drug addicted rodents when deprived of . They were genetically addicted to running


We also inherit genes responsible for our other traits from impulsivity, to procrastination, to work ethic and straight up laziness.


Okay, let’s focus on the latest news.


A landmark UN report is warning that humans are rapidly destroying the natural world upon which our health and economies depend. In the largest study of its kind, scientists found that a million species are facing extinction over the coming decades, mainly because of human activity




The chief un scientist on biodiversity Robert Watson, says halting the degradation of our

ecosystems will require a fundamental reorganization in the way people produce and

consume almost everything.




He says decades of pillaging and poisoning forests, oceans, soil and air threaten society at least as much as climate change. We are losing species at an unprecedented rate. We are losing our forests our wetlands our grasslands again at a historic rate. And the problem is it not only threatens nature, it threatens food security, energy security and water security. It threatens human well-being.




Okay, that is all today , this is Krystal, see you next time.好啦,今天的节目就到这里,拜拜~

