
2016-10-02 09:56:0029:18 54
Today's Topic: 9:10-10:10pm
❤️��"Art of Negotiation"��❤️

New Vocabulary:      
Negotiating - talk to agree on something you want

Respect - to treat people equally

Admiration - to want to be like somebody 

Attractive - look nice or draw good attention       

Confident - have no fear, be brave able to try

Compliment - say something nice about someone 

Awesome - great, superior, incredible, scary 厉害

Palms - the inside part of your hands

Positive - be happy believe everything is good

Likability  - how much someone can like you

Competition - people doing the similar things with similar goals

                                    Today's Questions:
1.  What age do Start negotiating?

2.  What are the things we usually negotiate for?

3.  What feelings can greatly help our negotiations?     

4.  What can we do to make people feel these things?

5.  What techniques do you use for negotiating?

6.  What are some tips you know for negotiating?


The art of negotiation is much easier than you may think. 

First you need to understand what negotiation is it is communicating to get what you want. 

So, at what age do we start to negotiate? 

When you are in your mother's belly and you start to kick this is a form of negotiation. 

You want something and you're communicating the only way you know how to get it.

Now that you understand what negotiating is what actually do we usually negotiate for? 

We usually negotiate for food, money, peace, and love.

Before you begin negotiating you should try to take advantage of their feelings.

What kind of feelings can you make the person feel to help you with your negotiations?

First you need to get somebody to like you then respect you, then try to get them to trust you. Finally if you're very lucky you can get their admiration.

You can achieve these things in many different ways like shaking people's hands, having a high level of culture, knowing a lot of information, having a lot of experiences, having abilities that others do not, being attractive, being confident, giving complements, making sure your palms are clean, making direct eye contact, listening and caring about someone, having a positive attitude, having friends that other people know or want to know, giving people information even when it is negative, and lastly doing exactly what you say you're going to do.

Now that they like you, trust you, and respect you, and maybe even admire you, you are ready to negotiate.

There are really only three ways to negotiate:

1. Likability and desire

2. Competition

3. Not Possible

Final Questions:

Can you explain the 3 ways to negotiate?

Can you think of a 4th that is not related to the other 3?



