Coronavirus Patients Join Studies

2022-10-13 01:07:4704:08 183




The new coronavirus COVID-19 made Dr. Jag Singh a patient at his own hospital.

A lung infection made it difficult for him to breathe. His doctors at Massachusetts General said he needed to make a decision about life support while in intensive care.

Then, they offered him a chance to test remdesivir.

The experimental drug has had some good results when used against other coronaviruses. Singh, a heart specialist, said ‘yes' immediately.

COVID-19 patients around the world have been joining remdesivir studies in the past few weeks.

The interest has been so great that the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) is expanding its study.

It has nearly reached its first goal of 440 patients.

The California company Gilead Sciences makes the drug. It is increasing its own studies too.

"I would enroll my family" immediately, said Dr.Libby Hohmann.

She placed Singh and nearly 30 other patients in the NIH study at Massachusetts General.

For most people, COVID-19 causes moderate symptoms.

Some patients, however, get a lung infection which requires hospitalization.

The risk of death is greater for older people and those with other health problems.

The drug remdesivir has been used in animal testing against two similar coronaviruses, SARS and MERS.

The drug helped prevent infection and reduced the symptoms if it was taken early.

The testing is farther along than other possible drugs and may lead to government approval for treatment.

The drug-maker Gilead has given remdesivir to more than 1,700 patients.

Its chief executive Dan O'Day wrote that many people have asked for the drug but the company is "taking the ethical, responsible approach."

He said more people will be helped if studies prove the drug to be safe and effective.

O'Day said his company has drug treatment for more than 140,000 patients.

It is providing the drug for free for now. It has set a goal of making treatments for 500,000 patients by October and more than a million by the end of the year.

Gilead also gave remdesivir to China for two studies expected to have results by the end of the month. Other studies have begun in Asia and Europe.

"There's so much anxiety about the disease that the patients are quite interested" and no one offered the chance has refused, said Dr. Arun Sanyal.

He is the study leader at Virginia Common wealth University in Richmond.

The NIH study, however, is the most rigorous of all the tests.

It compares remdesivir to placebos, and neither patients nor doctors know who is getting what until the end of the study.


experimental drug实验用药


美 [ˈmɑːdərət]  

adj. not extreme 温和的

hospitalization 住院治疗 

The testing is farther along than other possible drugs


be further along


美 [æŋˈzaɪəti]

n. fear ornervousness about what may happen


美 [ˈrɪɡərəs]

adj. doing something with a lot of interest and strength


美 [pləˈsiːboʊ]  


n. a pill or substance that is given to a patient like adrug but that has no physical effect on the patient


新型冠状病毒COVID-19让辛格成了自己医院的病人。肺部感染使他呼吸困难。他在马萨诸塞州总医院(MassachusettsGeneral)的医生说,在重症监护期间,他需要对他的生命负责。然后,辛格参与了瑞德西韦的临床试验。该实验药物在治疗其他冠状病毒时取得了良好的效果。过去几周,世界各地的COVID-19患者参与了瑞德西韦的临床试验。人们的兴趣如此之大,以至于美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)正在扩大其研究范围。它的第一个目标是收治440名临床试验病人。这种药物是由加州吉利德科学公司生产的。它也在不断改进自己的研究。利比·霍曼(LibbyHohmann)博士说,“我会立刻让我的家人参加。”她将辛格和其他近30名患者纳入了马萨诸塞州总医院(MassachusettsGeneral)的NIH研究。对于大多数人来说,COVID-19会引起中度症状。然而,有些病人会出现肺部感染,需要住院治疗。老年人和有其他健康问题的人死亡的风险更大。瑞德西韦已完成动物试验,用于对抗两种类似的冠状病毒,SARS和MERS。如果患病早期服用这种药有助于预防感染并减轻症状。瑞德西韦比其他同功能药物进展得更快,可能会促使政府批准治疗。目前吉利德制药公司已经为1700多名患者提供了瑞德西韦。该公司首席执行官丹·奥黛(DanO’day)写道,许多人要求服用这种药物,但该公司依然要“采取合乎道德、负责任的方式”去筛选受试者。他说,如果研究能证明这种药物安全有效,更多的人将得到帮助。欧戴说,他的公司已经为14多万名患者提供了药物治疗。目前该公司正在免费提供这种药物。该公司设定的目标是,到10月底为50万名患者提供治疗,到年底为100多万名患者提供治疗。吉利德还向中国提供了瑞德西韦用于两项研究,预计将于本月底得出结果。其他的研究已经在亚洲和欧洲开始。Arun Sanyal博士说:“人们对这种疾病非常焦虑,病人们都对瑞德西韦很感兴趣。”目前没有人拒绝成为受试者。他是里士满弗吉尼亚联邦大学的研究负责人。然而,NIH的研究是所有测试中最严格的。患者随机分组服用瑞德西韦和安慰剂,再进行疗效比较,直到研究结束,病人和医生都不知道谁在服用什么。

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