dino story - the clumsy club双语

2022-09-16 15:57:1413:17 175

the clumsy club
Once upon a time , a long time ago , there was a young Ankylosaurus called Archie
Archie was a tough-looking dinosaur , but he was ever so shy and ever so clumsy.
Archie had a huge club at the end of his tail . It seemed to do the exact opposite of what he wanted it to do.阿尔奇的尾巴末端有一个巨大的尾锤。 它似乎总是在和阿奇作对。
Poor Archie often destroyed things just by
wandering past them 可怜的阿奇经常在路过身边事物的时候不经意间将它们破坏掉。
because when he walked his club swiped from side to side.因为当他走路时,他的尾锤总是从一边摆到另一边。
So Archie spent a lot of time saying sorry to
other dinosaurs . 所以阿奇总是需要花费很多时间对 其他恐龙道歉。
His club was always getting him into trouble. 因为他的尾锤总是在给他带来麻烦。
''Watch your club!'' grumbled an old Edmontonia. ''I don't know why you've
got a tail Club, if you can't control it. ''
“注意你的尾锤!”一个年老的埃德蒙顿甲龙抱怨道。  ``如果你根本无法控制它的话,我不知道你为什么要有一个尾锤。  ''
But poor Archie was still learning what his club could do.但是可怜的阿尔奇仍在努力的学习他的尾锤可以做什么。
Archie's best friend was a Styracosaurus
called Stu . 阿奇的最好的朋友是戟龙
 Archie and Stu had lots of fun playing together . 阿奇和斯图在一起总会玩得很开心。 
But even with Stu sticking up for him , Archie was still left out of games - he was just too clumsy.但是即使有斯图的帮助,阿奇仍然会被嫌弃,而不能一起游戏-他实在是太笨拙了。
''Stu ! Come and play hide and seek ,'' shouted an Ornithomimus called Olivia , one day.
''斯图! 快来捉迷藏吧,''有一天,一个叫奥利维亚的鸟嘴兽喊道。
''HE can't play though ,'' added OliVia , Pointing to Archie . " He'll knock half the forest down before we've had time to hide. ''
“但是不能带他玩,”奥利维亚补充道,指着阿奇。  “在我们能有时间躲起来之前,他会把森林扫倒一半。”
It made Archie feel sad , but he told Stu to go and Play with everyone anyway. 
Archie stood and watched as all the other dinosaurs ran off to hide in different places in the forest.
''Can I at least help you find them ? " Archie asked Olivia , as he lumbered up to her. 
“那我至少可以帮助你找到他们吗?  “阿奇问奥利维亚,并他笨拙地走向她。
''Ssshh . . 18 . 19 . 20 . Coming!'' she shouted. 
“嘘嘘嘘… 18、19、20、我来了”她大喊。
''Oh, I suppose so ,'' she replied , ''just try to be quiet. ''
  “哦,我想可以,”她回答,“只是你必须保持安静。  ''
Olvia and Archie started hunting for the other dinosaurs.奥利维亚和阿奇开始寻找其他恐龙们。 
But suddenly Archie spotted a dinosaur who wasn't part of their game. 
''Olvia!''shouted Archie. 
''Will you Ssshh~'' replied Olivia crossly. 
''T REX! " hissed Archie. 
''What ?'' shrieked Olivia . ''T REEEEEX !'' she
screamed , as she overtook Archie and sped towards a nearby cave. 
 “什么?”奥利维亚尖叫道。  “ 霸霸霸霸王龙!”她尖叫起来,她越过阿奇并朝附近的一个洞穴跑去。
Archie could see the other dinosaurs already
hiding in the cave.阿奇可以看到其他恐龙们都已经 躲在了山洞里。
Stu was waiting for him , but was Archite going to get there in time ?
 Just as he got to the cave there was a thundering roar and the ground began to shake.
Archie wondered what had hit with his club this time . 阿奇想知道这次他的尾锤又撞倒了什么。
When he looked behind him the sky was filling with Smoke.   但当他向后看时,天空充满了烟雾。
A huge , rumbling volcano shot fiery balls of lava into the air . 一个巨大的,隆隆的火山将炽热的熔岩弹射向空中。
and Archie still hadn't reached the cave.
Everyone else ducked inside. 
Just as an enormous rockfall filled the cave entrance.就在这时一颗巨大的落石填满了洞穴的入口。 
Rocks , bits of tree and hot ash fell from the sky and bounced off Archie's hard armoured body.
Archie huddled close to the cave as the eruption continued .随着喷发的继续,阿奇只能缩在洞穴附近。
He sliped hot lava away with his tail club
and as the eruption calmed .
 And Archie began pushing at the rocks blocking the cave ''I …can't… shift… any of them ,'' he grunted.
''Try harder !'' shouted Stu from inside the cave
''We've been trying to move rocks from inside here , but we can only move the little ones. ''
 ``我们一直在尝试从内部移动石头,但我们只能移动小石头。  ''
Olivia squeezed her head through the small gap Stu was making from the outside. 
''Archie !'' called Olivia . " Now would be a great time to use your Club!'' she suggested
“ 阿奇!”奥利维亚喊道。  “现在是使用你尾锤的好时机!”她建议到
''No ! I'lI hurt someone ,'' said Archie . " I always break something with it. ''
``不! 我会伤害到别人。''阿奇说。  “它总是害我破坏东西。”
''You'll be fine - just give it a Swipe and see which rocks you can move . But hurry
Arichie!'' shouted Olivia . ''T rex is back !
“你会没事的-只需滑动一下,看看你可以移动哪些岩石。 但是快一点,阿奇!''奥利维亚喊道。“霸王龙回来了!”
'' Just give your tail a swish and try . Please ?'' called Stu. 
So Archie flicked his tail from Side to side and
a few rocks fell from around the cave entrance. 
于是阿奇从一边向另一半甩尾锤, 而洞穴入口周围掉下来了几块石头。
He swiped one way , then the other . finally , Arichie started to spin and his Club slammed into the fallen rocks
他换了一个角度甩,然后又换一个方向甩。 最后,阿奇开始旋转,他的尾锤撞塌了岩石
As T-rex got closer , small trees and boulders were caught up in Archie's whirling. 
Archie spun faster and faster until T rex , trying to dodge the debris , was hit by a large
flying branch. 
T rex was knocked out cold As Archie slowed to a stop , he saw the rocks around the cave had shifted too. 
''Well done Archie.'' shouted the dinosaurs from inside the cave. 
''Thanks Archie ,'' whispered each dinosaur as they tiptoed over T rex to leave the cave
''You took on a T rex with your tail ? whispered a small? '' Edmontonia .'' Amazing!''
“你用尾巴撞翻了霸王龙吗?” 埃德蒙顿甲龙在路过阿奇时小声耳语到,“太厉害了”
Archie felt enormously proud of his tail club. 
Archie was soon part of everyone's games and found he was especially good at rock-ball. 
''Archie - your club really is awesome ! " laughed Olivia. 
“阿奇,你的尾锤真是太棒了!  ”奥利维亚笑着说。


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