City News丨Multilingual Versions of Shenzhen Government Online website launched

2021-12-31 18:07:5004:30 3442

S02 EP13: City News丨International services upgraded! Multilingual versions of Shenzhen Government Online Website Launched

Recently, the launching ceremony of the multilingual versions of Shenzhen Government Online website was held by Shenzhen Government Services and Data Bureau along with Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office. The multilingual website is another important channel for global netizens to understand Shenzhen comprehensively and profoundly, offering a new platform for sharing foreigner-related government information and providing "one-stop" foreigner-related government services in the city.

Multilingual services added, including French, Japanese and Korean, etc.

Shenzhen Government Services and Data Management Bureau noted that since the inception of Shenzhen Government Online (new version) in September 2006, a comprehensive government website cluster has been formed with Shenzhen Government Online as the main portal and more than 80 party and government department websites as sub-sites, making the website the first choice of government agencies at different levels in disclosing government information, providing online services and conducting interactive communications on the Internet. In the assessment of Chinese government portal websites, Shenzhen Government Online has ranked within top two across the country for multiple consecutive years, laying a solid foundation for the city’s development of "digital government".

In 2006, the English version of Shenzhen Government Online came into being. Over the years, the English version of the website has been constantly upgraded. At present, 9 sections have been set up on the website, covering over 30 major columns, such as investment, life, tourism, law, services, etc, with the average daily visits exceeding 30,000. A total of more than 2 million words have been translated for the operation of the website, which has played a practical role in boosting the internationalization process of the city.

With the English version in place, multilingual versions have now been added to Shenzhen Government Online, including French, Japanese, Korean, among others. These multilingual versions are characterized by a wealth of information, a distinctive Chinese perspective and a broad global vision, with an aim to tell the stories of the city and the country at large, and spread the "voice of China", so that the world audience gets to understand Shenzhen in an authentic, multi-dimensional and comprehensive manner.

Shenzhen will continue to explore "digital government" development

It is reported that there are around 30,000 international residents working and living in Shenzhen, who have made significant contributions to the city’s economic and social development. In order to better integrate into the city, they pay close attention to and are in great need of information on every facet of the city’s development.

At the event, Khan from Pakistan told the reporter that as a vibrant, dynamic and international modern city, Shenzhen has left a deep impression on many scientific and technological professionals, and that he personally was attracted by the charm of the city and came to Shenzhen University to study computer science. The launch of multilingual versions of Shenzhen Government Online has opened up his access to more information on the city. He added: "It makes me love this heart-warming city even more and helps me live and work here better."

It is said that Shenzhen will continue to be a pioneer in the development of "digital government", constantly improve and aim higher, continuously enhance the service capacity and quality of the multilingual websites, carry out all-round exchanges and cooperation, share development opportunities, and showcase the "beauty of smart city" in various fields together with international residents. Meanwhile, the city will continue to build a market-oriented, law-based and internationalized business environment.


















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