《清醒的活》 第13期

2024-02-06 08:20:0610:41 30
所属专辑:Jolie 专属时刻
Day 13《清醒地活》

Let's look at your inner show. You have an underlying pattern of thoughts that goes on around you all the time. This pattern of thoughts stays pretty much the same. You are as familiar and comfortable with your normal thought patterns as you are with the living space of your home. You also have emotions that are your norm: a certain amount of fear, a certain amount of love, and a certain amount of insecurity. You know that if certain things happen, one or more of these emotions will flare up and dominate your awareness. Then, eventually, they will settle back down to the norm. You know this so well that you are very busy inside making sure nothing happens to create these disturbances. In fact, you are so preoccupied with controlling your world of thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations that you don't even know you're in there. That is the normal state for most people.

When you are in this lost state, you get so totally absorbed in the objects of thoughts, feelings, and the senses, that you forget the subject. Right now, you are sitting inside the center of consciousness watching your personal TV show. But there are so many interesting objects distracting your consciousness that you can't help but get drawn into them. It's overwhelming. It's three-dimensional. It's all around you. All of your senses draw you in-sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch-as well as your feelings and your thoughts. But you are really sitting quietly inside looking out at all these objects. Just as the sun does not leave its position in the sky to illuminate objects with its radiating light, so consciousness does not leave its center to project awareness onto the objects of form, thoughts, and emotions. If you ever want to re-center, just start saying
"hello" inside, over and over. Then notice that you are aware of that thought. Don't think about being aware of it; that's just another thought. Simply relax and be aware that you can hear "hello" being echoed in your mind. That is your seat of centered consciousness.
当你处于这种迷失的状态时,你会完全沉浸在思想、情感和感官的客体世界中,以至于忘记了主体。你原本正坐在意识的中心,观看你的个人电视秀。但是有那么多有趣的事物分散了你意识的注意力,你情不自禁地被它们吸引。这种吸引是无法抗拒的,因为它是三维的,充斥在你的周围。你所有的感官都在吸引你—视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉和触觉,外加你的情感和思想。但你其实始终只是静静地坐在内心深处向外观看所有客体。就像太阳不会离开它在天空中的位置,只是用它的光照亮物体一样,意识也不会离开它的中心位置,只是把觉知投射到有形的、思想的和情感的客体上。如果你想回到意识的中心位置,你只需要在心里说几遍“你好”,并注意到你已经觉知到了这个想法。别去想你觉知到了它,因为那只是又一个想法罢了。你只需要放松,并觉知到你可以听到 “你好”在你的脑海中回响。那里就是你居中的意识所在之处。

Now let's move from the small screen to the big one. Let's study consciousness using the example of a movie. When you go to a movie, you let yourself get drawn in. It's part of the experience of watching the movie. With a movie you use two senses: seeing and hearing. And it's very important that these senses synchronize. You wouldn't get as involved in the film if they didn't. Imagine if you were watching a James Bond movie and the soundtrack didn't synchronize with the scenes. Instead of getting drawn into the magical world of the movie, you would remain very aware that you were sitting in a theater and that something was wrong. But because soundtracks and scenes normally synchronize perfectly, movies capture your awareness and you forget that you're sitting in the theater. You forget your personal thoughts and emotions, and your consciousness gets pulled into the film. It's actually quite phenomenal to contemplate the difference between the experience of sitting next to strangers in a cold, dark theater versus being so absorbed in the movie that you are totally unaware of your surroundings. In fact, with an engaging film, you may go for the full two hours without any awareness of yourself. So the synchronization of sight and sound is very important if your consciousness is to become absorbed in the movie, And that's just two of your senses.

What will happen when your experience of a movie includes smell and taste? Imagine that you're experiencing a film in which someone is eating and you taste what they taste and smell what they smell. You would surely get caught in that one. The sensory input has doubled and therefore the number of objects drawing on your consciousness has also doubled. Sound, sight, taste, smell, and we haven't mentioned the big one yet-would you even go to a theater that has touch? When they get all five senses working together, you don't stand a chance. If they all synchronize, you'll be completely absorbed into the experience. But then again, not necessarily. Imagine you're sitting in the theater, and even with this overwhelming sensory experience, you still become bored with the movie. It just isn't capturing your attention, so your thoughts start to wander. You begin thinking about what you'll do when you get home. You start thinking about something that happened to you in the past. After a while, you're so lost in your thoughts that you're hardly aware that you're watching a movie. This occurs despite the fact that your five senses are still sending you all these movie messages. This can only happen because your thoughts can still occur independently of the movie. They provide an alternative place for the consciousness to focus.





















