562. New Year's Eve

2024-05-09 18:57:4004:31 129
On the last night of the year, a monster comes out of the sea. The monster’s name is Nian. The monster is hungry! It goes to a village near the sea. It eats the animals in the village. The villagers hide in the mountains. Mrs. Chen is leaving the village.“Wait!” says an old man. “Where are you going?”“The monster Nian is coming!” says Mrs. Chen. “Everyone hides in the mountains. “I can scare the monster away,” says the man. “Can I stay at your
house tonight?”“You may stay here,” says Mrs. Chen. But be careful!”“I will be fine,” says the man. He puts red paper on Mrs. Chen’s door. He lights lanterns. He makes the house very bright. He puts on a red coat. He waits for the monster. That night, Nian walks out of the sea. Nian is very hungry. It looks around the dark village. It sees the red door of Mrs. Chen’s house. It sees the lanterns. The bright lights hurt Nian’s eyes. It roars loudly! The man hears the monster. He throws the door open. He shouts at the monster. The monster sees the man in the red coat. It hears the loud noises and it sees the fire. The monster is scared! The man shouts, “GO AWAY!” Nian runs back to the sea.The people come back to the village. Their animals and houses are safe. They run to Mrs. Chen’s house.“Nian is gone,” says the man.“How did you do it?” asks Mrs. Chen.“It was easy,” says the man. “Nian is scared of fire. It doesn’t like the color red, and it doesn’t like loud noises.”Now, on the last day of the year, the villagers put up red paper and red lanterns. They have a party for the new year. They know Nian will never come back!
在一年的最后一个夜晚,一个怪兽从海里出来。怪兽的名字叫年。怪物饿了!它走向海边的一个村庄,吃了村里的动物。村民们吓得躲进山里。陈太太也要离开村子了,“等等!”就在这时,一个老人说道,“你要去哪里?“年兽来了!”陈太太说,所有人都只能躲在山里。“我可以把怪物吓跑,”那人说,“我今晚能住你家吗?” “你可以留在这里,”陈太太说,“但是一定要小心!” “我不会有事的,”男人说。他在陈太太的门上贴上了红纸并且点了灯笼,照亮了整个房子, 然后他穿上一件红外套,等着怪兽。那天晚上,年从海里走了出来,它很饿,环顾黑暗的村庄,它看到了陈太太家的红门还有灯笼。明亮的灯光刺痛了年的眼睛。年大声的咆哮!那个人听到了年的声音。他把门打开,对着年大喊大叫。年看见了穿红外套的人,听到巨大的声音,看到火焰,年害怕了。紧接着那个男人喊道:“走开!”年吓得赶紧跑回大海。人们回到村子里,发现他们的动物和房子都安然无恙,纷纷跑到陈太太家中了解情况。“年已经走了,”男人说。“你是怎么做到的?”陈太太问。“这很容易,”那人说,“年害怕火,它不喜欢红色,也不喜欢噪音。”现在,在一年中的最后一天,村民们都挂起了红纸和红灯笼。为新年举行了一个聚会,他们知道年不会再回来了!








伊索寓言[yī suǒ yù yán]

