563. Riddle Challenge 谜语挑战

2024-05-13 14:30:3102:34 190
Riddle Challenge 谜语挑战
Big Monster and Small Monster are shoveling snow. “Big Monster, look! Here is a door,” says Small Monster. “It reads: Riddle Challenge,” says Big Monster. “Let’s have a try! “The monsters open the door.
They see a red door in the room. “I open for the right answer,” says the door. “I never ask questions, but always get an answer. Who am I? ”The doorbell,” says Small Monster. The red door opens.
In the next room, there is a yellow door. “What can travel around the world, while staying in a corner?” the door asks. “A stamp,” says Big Monster.
Behind the yellow door, a green door is waiting for the monsters. “I can fly, but I have no wings. I can cry, but I have no eyes. Who am I?” asks the door. The monsters think and think. “Aha!” says Small Monster. “A cloud!”
Behind the green door, there is a garden. The monsters see their prize, a strawberry cake. “I like this riddle challenge,” says Small Monster. “Me too,” says Big Monster. Congratulations!

