
2024-02-25 23:11:58中国日报网05:22 8.2万


 欢迎订阅主播“中国日报网”在喜马拉雅上的【China Daily 英语新闻】和【24节气英语说】两个专辑,通过我们的节目,不错过世界上发生的趣事(未经授权,请勿转载) 

1 / Xi, Putin witness launch of joint nuclear energy project


President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, on Wednesday witnessed the ground-breaking ceremony of a bilateral nuclear energy cooperation project, Tianwan nuclear power plant and Xudapu nuclear power plant, via video link. 


Speaking at the ceremony, Xi extended congratulations on the launch of the China-Russia nuclear energy cooperation project and paid respects to the builders from the two countries. Noting that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, Xi said that he and President Putin have agreed to advance the development of bilateral relations to a higher level and expand the ties to broader fields.


In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic unseen in a century, China and Russia have firmly supported each other and cooperated closely and effectively, which is a vivid demonstration of the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era, he said. 


Xi stressed that energy cooperation has always been the most important area of practical cooperation, generating the most achievements and covering the widest scope between the two countries. Noting that nuclear energy is a strategic priority for bilateral cooperation with major projects completed and put into operation, Xi said the four nuclear power units that kicked off construction on Wednesday mark another major landmark in China-Russia nuclear energy cooperation.




英 /ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn/  美 /ˌdemənˈstreɪʃn/ 

n. 示范;证明;示威游行

2 / China-Europe freight train trips surge


The number of China-Europe freight trains hit 1,218 in April, up 24% year on year, data from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) showed on Tuesday. The freight trains carried approximately 117,000 twenty-foot equivalent unit containers of goods last month, surging 33% from a year earlier. 


In the past five years, the train services have become increasingly well-known around the globe as they have facilitated infrastructure connectivity and deepened trade cooperation for countries along the rail route, said Jin Xiandong, a spokesperson for NDRC 


. To date, the total number of China-Europe freight trains has reached 38,000, and they have transported 3.4 million twenty-foot equivalent unit containers. The goods transported by the train services reach 151 cities in 22 European countries, with a logistics network covering the entire region, Jin added. 


3 / Urban employees see increased pay


The average salary of China's urban employees saw growth in 2020 despite the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, official data showed on Wednesday. In non-private sectors, the real growth of the average salary for urban employees, adjusted for inflation, rose by 5.2% to 97,379 yuan, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics. 


In private sectors, the annual average salary stood at 57,727 yuan, up 5.3% year-on-year after deducting price factors. The growth rate of the average salary for urban employees in non-private sectors is at its lowest point since 1984, while that of workers in private sectors dropped to its second-lowest point since 2009, according to the bureau.


4 / Cross-regional marriage registration


China will pilot an inter-provincial marriage registration policy to save its growing migrant population from having to return to their hometowns to register their marriage. 


The pilot program will be first introduced in Liaoning, Shandong, Guangdong, Chongqing and Sichuan, among other provincial-level regions, running from June 1, 2021, to May 31, 2023, the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced Wednesday. 


Under China's current regulations, marriages must be registered at the registry located in the place of household registration of the bride or groom. The new policy will enable people living outside their place of household registration to register their marriage in the pilot areas where they have resided for a continuous period of at least half a year, the ministry said.


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2022年1月21日新闻内容如下: 1、在新的赶考之路上考出好成绩。 2、我国数字经济发展进入快车道。 3、河南郑州“7·20”特大暴雨灾害调查报告公布。 4、国家卫生健康委通报最新疫情。 5、国际收支保持顺差,外汇储备规模稳定。 6、人社部等8部门组织实施2022年春风行动。 7、《关于进一步做好军人随军家属就业安置工作的通知》印发。 8、退役军人事务部等12部门引导和鼓励民营企业招用退役军人。 9、北京冬奥会外国运动员今起陆续抵京。 10、京张高铁冬奥列车开启赛时运输服务。 11、中国越野滑雪队结束集训出征北京冬奥会。 12、第九届北京国际美术双年展今天在北京开幕。



父:何 母:黎 女儿生2011年2月21日中午12点多 五行缺火,土,金,最好是名字单单双,单双双也可以,急求






工作私企 大学生



一般人要这没用 除非你才高八斗,需要另一个才高八斗与你合作


  庆元旦节目快板台词)   合:中华民族几千年,   A.优秀文化代代传。   B;传到今天最灿烂,   C.世界各地都传遍。   D.文化遗产要保护,   A.继承发展闯新路。   B.重任在肩新一代,   C.飒爽英姿有气派。   D.站在台上真自豪,   合:我们一起唱歌谣   D.春天到,百花香,   A.蜜蜂飞,蝴蝶忙,红的红来黄的黄。   B.校园里,真热闹,大地穿上绿衣裳。   同学们,入座啦!   A;老师来到教室里,全体同学都站起;   B;齐声说到老师好,老师也说同学好;   C;班长下令要坐好,坐好认真听讲好;   D;老师提问举手好,回答问题大声好;   A;回答对了都说好,回答错了知道好;   B;认真听讲学习好,老师家长都说好。   合:对!认真听讲学习好,老师家长都说好;   C;上课听讲要专心,帮助同学要热心;   A;放学路上要当心,完成作业要细心;   B;遇到困难不灰心,对待集体要关心;   C;团结合作要齐心,师生互助心连心。   合:对!团结合作要齐心,师生互助心连心。   A;每天早晨早起点儿,校服领巾整齐点儿;   打扫卫生积极点儿;   C;楼道走路安静点儿,上课听讲专心点儿;   D;发言声音洪亮点儿,作业写得工整点儿;   A;帮助同学热心点儿,同学之间友善点儿;   B;接受批评虚心点儿,改正错误及时点儿;   D;爱护花草文明点儿,文明歌谣记牢点儿。   <   合:对!爱护花草文明点儿,文明歌谣记牢点儿。   <   A;春到人间喜气添,家家户户庆新年   B;庆新年,庆团圆,庆新年,富寿添。   C;庆贺新年把年拜,咱们一起去拜年!   A;给老师,拜个年;   B;给同学,拜个年;   C;给叔叔阿姨拜个年;   D;给爷爷奶奶拜个年!   合祝大家新春愉快都平安,最后祝愿我们的祖国更强大!   A;好好学习、   B;天天、向上   C;振兴中华   D;不负希望、   A;热爱祖国、保卫祖国、   B;忠于祖国、建设祖国。   C;让伟大的祖国更富强,   D让五星红旗永远飘扬。   合;对!让伟大的祖国更富强,让五星红旗永远飘扬。
