Japan's disaster, a crisis of leadership

2023-06-10 02:10:4313:01 48
Japan's disaster, a crisis of leadership(领导层), too The many-headed(民众的) catastrophe(大灾难) points to deeper-seated(根深蒂固的) problems in governing Japan .SINCE the lives of hundreds of thousands of ordinary Japanese were turned upside down(发生天翻地覆的变化) by earthquake, tsunami(海啸), fire and looming(若隐若现的) nuclear threat, people around the globe have watched, amazed, at the survivors' composure(镇定)—"stoicism(恬静寡淡)" is the word they most often reach for(伸手去拿). There have been few complaints, just civic-minded(有公益心的) initiative. All along the coast, the urgent talk is not just about survival in the face of shortages of food, water and fuel. Stricken(受到灾害侵袭的) communities are desperate(极度渴望的) to start rebuilding their towns. Stoicism(坚韧主义) is an admirable response to what fate deals you. It also serves as a coping mechanism(应对机制) in the face of incomprehension.

And the Japanese no longer just find it hard to understand how nature could deal such a blow(处理这样的打击); increasingly, they want to know why the government of a rich and orderly land should be taking so long to tame(驯服) an overheating(过热) nuclear plant and get help to communities ravaged(破坏) by the tsunami. A lack of water, food and warmth(保暖设施) are a fresh and acute source of suffering. Despite the scale of the humanitarian disaster, some of the suffering is avoidable. The system is letting citizens down(使—失望). This criticism may seem harsh(严厉). For a start(首先), Naoto Kan, the prime minister, has maintained relative calm despite the menacing(险恶的) situation at Fukushima Dai-ichi, the crippled(遭受严重损毁的核电站) nuclear plant. His government has also been far more transparent than its predecessors. The Bank of Japan acted promptly, providing liquidity(流动资产) to prevent a natural disaster from becoming a financial one. Favourable(有力的) comparisons have rightly been made with the bumbling(笨手笨脚的) response by an earlier government to the 1995 earthquake in Kobe, which killed 6,400. Then, Japan's government was slower than South Korea's to set up an emergency relief operation(营救行动).

Yakuza, the Japanese mafia(黑手党-黑道), were the first to set up soup kitchens(是周鹏) for the victims. But that is setting the bar very low indeed(将门坎降的很低). After all, the Kobe fiasco(惨败) hastened(加速) the end of the Liberal Democratic Party's post-war supremacy(至高无上的地位) and the rise of Mr Kan's Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), kobe(神户惨败) showed that the country was run by incompetents(无能者). The shock led to soul-searching by a once


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