The wailing of Notre Dame de Paris [福说英语][20-12-09]

2022-09-16 04:47:3615:25 144


Hello, everyone! Welcome to English panorama, this is welkin. I am so happy to meet your guys for the first time.大家好呀,欢迎来到福说英语,这里是新人主播welkin,很高兴能在声音的世界与大家相遇,初次见面,请多多关照啦。

I have been in Fujian Normal University for several months, and have gradually become familiar with our beautiful campus. The trees shading the street make it more inviting than the well-decorated houses do. With hills surrounding and a small lake lying , our school have a dense growth of evergreen trees and seems as if this is a “retreat away from the world”.我来到福建师范大学也有几个月的时间啦,也逐渐由在校园里找不着北到能灵活穿梭于校园的大道小巷中(骄傲脸)。校园里成荫的树木着实是比古香古色的教学楼让人心动,望着那深深浅浅的绿,我觉得自己的心灵也得到了舒展和清新。群山环绕,楼宇俨然,有阔道美湖垂柳之属,阡陌交通亦有,若再添“鸡犬相闻”之声,那倒真是与陶潜先生笔下的桃花源有几分相似。

However, what impresses me most is the bell tower at the side of ZhiMing teaching building, which is one of the most iconic and classical landmarks of Fujian Normal University. The strong western classical style reminds me of some stories about the bell tower.

There existed a magnificent and historic church bell tower in France—Notre Dame de Paris. Can you guess what is it? Yes,这座钟楼就是巴黎圣母院大教堂的钟楼,相信大家对这个名字一定不陌生吧。

It owns two magnificent towers , slender arch buttresses ,beautiful painted glass windows etc. , which make it enjoy the reputation of “Symphony of stones” and “the most beautiful words of medieval architecture”.巴黎圣母院的正立面雕塑华丽,有两个雄伟的塔楼、修长的弓扶壁、美丽的彩绘玻璃窗等,这也使它享有了“石头上的交响乐”和“中世纪建筑最美的花”等美誉。雨果在书中这样写道:“巴黎,尤其是在夏日黎明时分的清新霞光映照下,这时的巴黎,从数颗残星,疏疏落落,渐渐熄灭,其中有一颗光亮耀眼,正在最明亮的天际升起。旭日喷薄而出,巴黎开始活跃起来了。”即使我没有去过巴黎,也因为这样动情而美丽的描述而深深仰慕过它的灵魂和血液。

Therefore, it can be said with certainty that Notre Dame is part of Paris , France and even history.

著名的音乐剧《巴黎圣母院》中有一首让人一听就无法忘记的《大教堂时代》,记得歌词里是这样唱的:“Il est venu le temps des cathédrales/Le monde est entré dans un nouveau millénaire”(大教堂撑起这信仰的时代/世界进入了一个新的纪元)


说完了钟楼,便忍不住想说说与钟楼紧密相连的那个人——卡西莫多Quasimodo。He was the hero of Notre Dame de Paris, a deformed man abandoned by his parents in front of Notre Dame. Since he lived on the bell tower for a long time, he was called the bell tower freak. His appearance was extremely ugly, but his heart was extremely kind. After falling in love with the beautiful gypsy girl Esmeralda at the first sight, he risked his life to save her out of danger many times. After knowing the fact that his sanctimonious foster father framed the gypsy girl and made her swing for it, he angrily pushed his adoptive father down the stairs. At last, having lost the hope of life, he committed suicide next to the body of his beloved girl, as the most loyal guardian of Esmeralda.


They were both kind-hearted, but they were pathetic and mean. They were oppressed from all walks of life and finally ended up in a miserable situation.


On 15th, April,2019, a huge fire swept through Notre Dame de Paris. Dark smoke billowed over the sky, and debris fell from the top of the church, which means the crystal of medieval culture and art also fell with the blackened spire. It is the heartbreak of the people of Paris and a catastrophe in the history of world civilization.

在2019年4月15日时,一场大火席卷了巴黎圣母院。浓烟滚滚笼罩整片天空,中世纪的文化艺术结晶也随着焦黑的塔尖一起落下,片片灰烬像是卡西莫多的眼泪。这不仅是巴黎人民的心碎,对于整个人类来说,这也是世界文明和文化遗产不可估量的损失,是一场巨大的浩劫。法国总统马克龙在推特上表示:巴黎圣母院被火焰吞噬,整个国家都在一片悲伤之中。今晚,我想到所有的天主教徒和法国人,正如我们所有的同胞一样,我为此感到悲伤。许多网友也在网上表达了他们对巴黎圣母院的怀念:“very sad……it is so terrible……we are with you , France!”(还有很多其他语言的评论,因为水平有限就不放出来了)可以说,那一天,全世界人民都在为此心痛。

However, when facing such misfortune of the world civilization and heritage, some extremely narrow nationalist voices appeared in the expression of "heartbreak". Some netizens said that the fire at Notre Dame in France reminded them of the Old Summer Palace burned by the British and French forces hundreds of years ago. Some even gloated at the fire of Notre Dame with causality theory , which was absurd and cold-blooded.



We always say that we should revere nature ,but we often forget that it is essential to revere world civilization lasting hundreds years, and it is worthwhile to get insights into the spiritual connotation and pass on the cultural connotation.


We often think that buildings that have been standing for a hundred years have been solidified into shining symbols of culture and country, and will always exist and never leave us. But these precious cultural heritages are actually extremely fragile. Due to paranoia or evil thoughts of human beings, they may disappear forever under the hidden danger of carelessness. 


The destruction and disappearance of cultural relics not only take away the cultural relics themselves, but also take away the Millennium civilization carried by the cultural relics. The scar of culture arouses people’s awareness of the protection of cultural relics, because civilization is fragile and tough. What can we do with civilization is to protect it, to delay its disappearance and inherit its spirit? Every cultural relic is a symbol of culture, and every museum is a treasure house of human civilization. I sincerely hope that cultural relics can be kept far away from disasters and handed down from generation to generation.

今天的节目到这里就结束了。Thanks for your attention, and I am looking forward to your listening next time!

