Repetition form culture

2022-03-03 11:09:0902:16 7
That's not to say that the way of working together at Pixar is the way that every company in the film industry should work. Rather, we can simply say that the folks at Pixar have used this way of working very successfully, year after year.Now the employees don't even need to ask how to behave, how to make decisions, or how to make this trade-off against that one. Pixar has become in many ways a self-managing company, thanks to its culture. Management doesn't need to dive into the details of every decision, because the culture almost as an agent of management— is present in the details of every decision.
As long as the company's competitive and technological environments remain as they are today, the strength of its culture is a blessing.If the environment changes substantially however,then the strength of the culture will make it hard to change things, too.
Schein's articulation of ho w culture is created allows executives to create a culture for their organization— provided that they follow the rules.It starts with defining a problem_ one that recurs again and again.Next,they must ask a group to figure out how to solve that problem. If they fail, ask them to find a better way to solve it. Once they've succeeded, how- ever, the managers need to ask the same team to solve the problem every time it recurs- over and over again. The more often they solve the problem successfully, the more instinctive it becomes to do it in the way that they designed. Culture in any organization is formed through repetition. That way of doing things becomes the group's culture.

