There be uniformity

2022-03-05 13:30:5202:08 3
Again,our choices for a family culture are not necessarily the right ones for everyone.What's important to understand is how culture is built, so that you have a chance to create the culture you want.In thinking about this,it might be helpful to remember the process by which strategy is defined.There are deliberate plans, and emergent problems and opportunities.These compete against one another in the resource allocation process,to determine which receive our highest priorities of time, energy,and talent.I observed that in my case,my profession emerged.My deliberate plan,to become editor of the Wall Street Journal,was swept to the side as other opportunities emerged— including my present profession as a teacher.However,I am grateful that I have not allowed the kind of person that I wanted to become to be left to chance.That was a very deliberate decision.
You should approach the creation of the culture for your family in similar terms. The professional pursuits and interests of your children need to emerge— and, in all probability, will be very different one from another. The culture of your family ought to welcome such diversity. But I recommend that,for the foundational dimensions of your family culture, there be uniformity. Getting this right will prove to be a source of happiness and pride for each of you.

