
2024-02-09 22:21:43中国日报网04:39 8.7万

欢迎订阅主播“中国日报网”在喜马拉雅上的【China Daily 英语新闻】和【24节气英语说】两个专辑,通过我们的节目,不错过世界上发生的趣事!(未经授权,切勿转载)

1 / Virus pushing smokers to quit


Smokers have become more willing to quit amid the COVID-19 outbreak as health becomes the first priority, according to a recent survey and related studies by Fudan University's Health Communication Institute in Shanghai. 


The online survey, which was published on Saturday ahead of this year's World No Tobacco Day on Sunday, showed that around 18% of respondents said they had a stronger willingness to quit smoking after the epidemic outbreak, and 14% said they had attempted to abandon smoking in recent months. 


The average number of cigarettes smoked per day decreased from 14.2 to 13.5, according to the survey, which had nearly 1,500 respondents from 31 provincial-level regions. The top three reasons to reduce smoking were a higher awareness of health during the epidemic; the inappropriateness to smoke at home during isolation; and the inconvenience of smoking as one is required to wear a mask outdoors.




英 /ˌɪnəˈprəʊpriətnəs/ 美 /ˌɪnəˈproʊpriətnəs/

n. 不相称;不适合

2/ Trump vows forceful response


US President Donald Trump called himself the "president of law and order" in a Rose Garden address as military police were firing tear gas into peaceful protesters near the White House on Monday evening. 


Trump announced that he is taking immediate action to "stop the violence and restore security and safety in America". "I am mobilizing all available federal resources, civilian or military, to stop the rioting and looting, to end the destruction and arson, and protect the rights of law-abiding Americans," the president said. 


Trump said that he has "strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers so that we dominate the streets". The president said that if cities or states refuse his directives, "I will deploy the US military and quickly solve the problem for them."




英 /ˈməʊbəlaɪz/ 美 /ˈmoʊbəlaɪz/

vt. 动员,调动;集合,组织;使…流通;使…松动

vi. 组织;动员起来


英 /ˈraɪətɪŋ/ 美 /ˈraɪətɪŋ/

n. 暴乱

v. 骚乱(riot的ing形式)

3/ China's first Mars mission


China plans to launch its first Mars exploration mission, Tianwen-1, between July and August, said Bao Weimin, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Science and Technology Commission at the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, as he shared details about the mission with CCTV. 


"The Mars probe will be within the gravitational potential field of Mars next February, and will enter the orbit of Mars once captured by the planet," Bao said. 


According to the plan, the Mars probe will release a rover after a soft landing on the planet, and the rover will stay on Mars for 90 Mars days, on a variety of missions, including reconnaissance and exploration of the Martian landscape.




英 /rɪˈkɒnɪsns/ 美 /rɪˈkɑːnɪsns/

n. [军] 侦察;勘测(等于reconnoissance);搜索;事先考查

4/ New car plate lottery policy


The government of Beijing said on Monday the city's competitive car plate lottery policy will be altered to benefit families that don't already have a car by providing 20,000 new-energy vehicle plates in the second half of 2020, and introducing a new system to increase the acceptance rate. 


With more applicants in Beijing, the acceptance rate in the plate lottery has been increasingly low. Some households have more than one license plate, while some have none. 


According to the results of the latest plate lottery released in late April, over 1.84 million people have tried their luck, but only 6,366 were successful. 


Many joked that the rate is lower than the acceptance rate for Harvard University, which is about 4%. 


Experts said this first loosening policy since the plate lottery started in Beijing in 2011 will improve social justice regarding resource allocation, as well as promote consumption and stimulate the economy. 



Hi everyone, here are words you should know from today's news.

No.1 inappropriateness

The top three reasons to reduce smoking were a higher awareness of health during the epidemic; the inappropriateness to smoke at home during isolation; and the inconvenience of smoking as one is required to wear a mask outdoors.

No.2 mobilize

No.3 rioting

"I am mobilizing all available federal resources, civilian or military, to stop the rioting and looting, to end the destruction and arson, and protect the rights of law-abiding Americans," the president said. 

No.4 reconnaissance

According to the plan, the Mars probe will release a rover after a soft landing on the planet, and the rover will stay on Mars for 90 Mars days, on a variety of missions, including reconnaissance and exploration of the Martian landscape.

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 Thanks for listening!See you tomorrow!


自己没痛下决心戒,什么女朋友还是天王老子让戒也没用。老哥一朋友是个企业法人,抽了二十多年了,当时的豪言是:“叫我戒粮,也不会戒烟。”前年给医生整了一刀,还不乖乖戒了。没切肤之痛,还悠着呢。 你小子真想戒烟,就现在开始,只有即刻戒,即刻、即刻、即刻......没有慢慢戒。












歌曲:戒烟如你 而我却不得不相信 总有一天 你会离去 这样的心情 在我这样的年纪 其实早应该无所谓 伤不伤心 有过太多的曾经 有过太多的曾经 可是面对你 我竟然失去了 这些勇气 或许 你就像烟 无孔不入 无处不在 无法捉摸 总是在你的眼里 看到那个被遗忘的自己 总以为只有你知道 很多事情 我再也赌不起 在一切都还来得及 趁一切都还来得及无所谓拥有也无所谓失去但是我多么想抓紧你 告诉你 这一切都不是我愿意的 这条路少了你 好难走 情 难舍难留难以诉说 梦 不醒不碎不能从头 你 似幻似真似烟弥漫我心中 缘 难分难解难以守候 错 不能不想不愿再错 你 今日今生今世藏在我心中烟熄了也许一切就可以 云淡风清的过去。 补充: 本人觉得 应该是拿烟比喻人! 就像戒烟一样戒掉你! 所以应该是戒爱把! 有不同想法的朋友希望可以提出来,我也可以做个参考。


歌曲:戒烟如你 而我却不得不相信 总有一天 你会离去 这样的心情 在我这样的年纪 其实早应该无所谓 伤不伤心 有过太多的曾经 有过太多的曾经 可是面对你 我竟然失去了 这些勇气 或许 你就像烟 无孔不入 无处不在 无法捉摸 总是在你的眼里 看到那个被遗忘的自己 总以为只有你知道 很多事情 我再也赌不起 在一切都还来得及 趁一切都还来得及无所谓拥有也无所谓失去但是我多么想抓紧你 告诉你 这一切都不是我愿意的 这条路少了你 好难走 情 难舍难留难以诉说 梦 不醒不碎不能从头 你 似幻似真似烟弥漫我心中 缘 难分难解难以守候 错 不能不想不愿再错 你 今日今生今世藏在我心中烟熄了也许一切就可以 云淡风清的过去。 补充: 本人觉得 应该是拿烟比喻人! 就像戒烟一样戒掉你! 所以应该是戒爱把! 有不同想法的朋友希望可以提出来,我也可以做个参考。




不会 烟可以成瘾,歌声没有约束力!还不如罚款实在!
