Part 7 Chapter 1 人物描述_Unit 2 不足与缺陷

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absent-minded [ˌæbsənt-ˈmaɪndɪd]
【释】a.(思想集中在别处而)心不在焉的 (tending to forget things, perhaps because you are not thinking about what is around you, but about something else)
【例】Lydia made some absent-minded and irrelevant answers, as if she had not heard the teacher's question. 莉迪娅像是没听到老师的问题一样,心不在焉地给出了不相关的答案。
artful [ˈɑːtfl]
【释】a. 狡猾的,诡诈的(adroit in attaining an end usually by insinuating or indirect means)
【例】Morris was very artful and usually succeeded in getting what he wanted. 莫里斯很狡猾,通常可以成功地得到自己想要的东西。
assumed [əˈsjuːmd]
【释】a. 假装的(taken up or used so as to deceive; pretended)
betray [bɪˈtreɪ]
【释】v. 背叛,出卖
clumsy [ˈklʌmzi]
【释】a. 笨拙的
【例】The clumsy waitress spilled the wine on my newly-bought dress. 那个笨拙的女服务员把葡萄酒洒在了我新买的裙子上。
coarse [kɔːs]
【释】a. 粗俗的(rude and offensive)
【例】They objected to the councilor's coarse language. 他们反对评议员粗俗的语言。
【析】coarse, crude, rough和rude 都有“粗糙的,粗俗的”之意。coarse有“质量或外观低劣的,质地粗糙的;颗粒大的”等含义,还可以表示“粗俗的,下流的”;crude意为“粗糙的,粗制的”,还可以表示“粗俗的,粗鲁的;未加工的,天然的”,强调“粗略的,不精确的或未完成的”,如:a crude map of this area(这个地区大略的地图);rough主要指“物体表面不光滑的”,常用于描述布料、皮肤、道路或海面等,还可以表示“天气恶劣的;概略的,不精确的”;rude意为“粗鲁的,无礼的”,也有“简单的,原始的,粗陋的”之意。
cowardly [ˈkaʊədli]
【释】a. 胆小的,怯懦的(not brave enough to do something difficult or dangerous)
【例】He is cowardly to make a speech in public. 他很胆小,不敢在公共场合发言。
crude [kruːd]
【释】a. 粗俗的(not showing taste or refinement)
【例】I’ve never appreciated Ralph's crude sense of humour. 我从来都不欣赏拉尔夫粗俗的幽默感。
cruel [ˈkruːəl]
【释】a. 残忍的,残暴的(causing pain or suffering)
【例】I hate those people who are cruel to animals. 我痛恨那些残忍地对待动物的人。
deceptive [dɪˈseptɪv]
【释】a. 虚伪的;欺诈的,欺骗性的(trying to trick someone by telling them something that is not true)
【例】The jury did not believe the witness's deceptive answers. 陪审团不相信目击者欺骗性的回答。
disgraceful [dɪsˈɡreɪsfl]
【释】a. 可耻的,丢脸的(extremely bad or shocking)
【例】Telling lies is disgraceful. 说谎是可耻的。
disgusting [dɪsˈɡʌstɪŋ]
【释】a. 令人厌恶的(extremely unpleasant and making you feel sick)
【例】The disgusting weather prevented us from going out. 糟糕的天气让我们没法外出。
dishonest [dɪsˈɒnɪst]
【释】a. 不诚实的(not honest; intending to trick people)
【例】The teacher became furious about the student's dishonest answer. 老师对学生不诚实的回答大为恼火。
dishonourable [dɪsˈɒnərəbl]
【释】a. 不名誉的;可耻的(not deserving respect; immoral or unacceptable)
【例】The soldier was given a dishonourable discharge from the army. 那个士兵因可耻的行为被军队开除了。
disrespectful [ˌdɪsrɪˈspektfl]
【释】a. 无礼的(having or exhibiting a lack of respect; rude)
【例】Most people often criticise the government, but they are never disrespectful towards the Royal Family. 大多数人经常批评政府,但他们从未对皇室无礼。
draw back
【例】The crowd drew back to let the firemen through. 围观群众向后退,给消防人员让道。
eccentric [ɪkˈsentrɪk]
【释】a. 古怪的 n. 古怪的人
embarrassing [ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ]
【释】a. 令人为难的(making you feel nervous, ashamed, or stupid)
【例】That was an embarrassing situation for me. 那个场合让我感到尴尬。
fake [feɪk]
【释】a. 假的(made to look like something else, especially something expensive)
【例】Only an expert can distinguish between a fake and a real diamond. 只有专家才能分辨钻石的真假。
forgetful [fəˈɡetfl]
【释】a. 健忘的,不留心的(marked by neglectful or heedless failure to remember)
【用】be forgetful of 对…不留心的,对…疏忽的
【例】Roger was accused of being forgetful of his duties. 罗杰被指控玩忽职守。
foxy [ˈfɒksi]
【释】a. 狡猾的(good at tricking or cheating people)
【例】Robin's father was a foxy old man. 罗宾的父亲是个狡猾的老男人。
hollow [ˈhɒləʊ]
【释】a. 虚伪的,空虚的(with no real meaning or empty inside; not sincere)
【用】hollow legs 酒量大的人
【例】The words of the officer had a hollow ring. 那名官员说的话很虚伪。
humiliating [hjuːˈmɪlieɪtɪŋ]
【释】a. 丢脸的,耻辱的(making you feel very embarrassed and ashamed)
indifferent [ɪnˈdɪfrənt]
【释】a. 冷漠的
inexperienced [ˌɪnɪkˈspɪəriənst]
【释】a. 无经验的(lacking experience)
【用】be inexpereinced in 在…方面没有经验
【例】Our football team is promising but inexperienced. 我们的足球队很有前途,但是经验不足。
naive [naɪˈiːv]
【释】a. 幼稚的,天真的(lacking experience of life and tending to trust other people and believe things too easily)
【例】I’ve never seen naive fools like her. 我从没见过像她那样幼稚的傻瓜。
passive [ˈpæsɪv]
【释】a. 被动的;冷淡的
plain [pleɪn]
【释】a. 不漂亮的,不好看的(lacking beauty or distinction)
【例】She has a plain face, but she is beautiful inside. 她的相貌虽然普通,但是心灵美好。
【析】normal, average和plain都有“普通的”之意。normal有“普通的”之意,修饰“人”时指“精神和身体都正常的,无缺陷的”;average指“普通的,平常的”,指“人在类型或特征上普通的或寻常的”;plain作“普通的”讲修饰“人”时,主要指“相貌不美的,长相普通的”。
rough [rʌf]
【释】a. 粗野的,粗暴的(not gentle)
【用】be rough with 粗暴地对待
【例】Don't be so rough with her, James; she's only a kid. 詹姆斯,不要对她那么粗暴,她还只是个孩子。
rude [ruːd]
【释】a. 粗鲁的,粗野的(not polite)
【用】it is rude to do 做…是很不礼貌的
【例】Rude behaviours will not be tolerated. 我们不容忍粗鲁的行为。
self-satisfied [ˌself-ˈsætɪsfaɪd]
【释】a. 自鸣得意的,自满的(too pleased with yourself or your own achievements)
【例】The self-satisfied smile on Linda's face disgusted me. 琳达脸上自鸣得意的笑让我很讨厌。
shameful [ˈʃeɪmfl]
【释】a. 可耻的,不道德的(that should make you feel ashamed)
【例】What you have done is shameful. 你做的事是可耻的。
shrink [ʃrɪŋk]
【释】v. 退缩,畏缩(to recoil instinctively)
【用】shrink (away/back) from 因…而从…退缩或畏缩;shrink from sth./doing sth. 不愿做某事
【例】The shy girl shrinks from meeting strangers. 那个害羞的女孩不愿见陌生人。
troublemaker [ˈtrʌblmeɪkə(r)]
【释】n. 惹麻烦的人,捣乱者
ugly [ˈʌɡli]
【释】a. 难看的,丑陋的(displeasing to look at)
unattractive [ˌʌnəˈtræktɪv]
【释】a. 没有吸引力的,不美的(with an ugly appearance or unpleasant or not enjoyable)
【例】I'm living in a very unattractive building. 我住在一栋很不起眼的大楼里。
uncivil [ˌʌnˈsɪvl]

【释】a. 粗鲁的,不礼貌的(lacking in courtesy)

【例】Mike is often uncivil to other members of his family. 迈克常常对家人很不礼貌。

uneducated [ʌnˈedʒukeɪtɪd]

【释】a. 无知的,未受过正规教育的(not having had much education)

【例】An “idiot” is a stupid or uneducated person. “傻瓜”是指愚蠢或无知的人。

unjust [ˌʌnˈdʒʌst]

【释】a. 不公平的

unsophisticated [ˌʌnsəˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd]

【释】a. 不懂世故的,单纯的

vain [veɪn]

【释】a. 自负的,自视过高的(too proud of your own appearance, abilities, or achievements)

【例】Dirk is vain about his looks and he spends hours in the gym every day. 德克对自己的外形颇为自负,他每天都花几个小时在健身房锻炼。

vicious [ˈvɪʃəs]

【释】a. 恶毒的,危险的(full of hatred and anger)

vulgar [ˈvʌlɡə(r)]

【释】a. 粗俗的(lacking in cultivation, perception, or taste)

【例】Martin's vulgar jokes shocked everyone. 马丁粗俗的笑话令每个人都大吃一惊。

wicked [ˈwɪkɪd]

【释】a. 有害的,引起祸害的

wild [waɪld]

【释】a. 疯狂的,野蛮的(uncontrolled or unrestrained)

【例】These trees grew in wild abandon. 这些树肆意疯长。

abominable [əˈbɒmɪnəbl]

【释】a. 讨厌的,可恶的(extremely unpleasant or of very bad quality)

abstracted [æbˈstræktɪd]

【释】a. 心不在焉的(thinking about other things, not paying attention)

【例】Max stares straight ahead with an abstracted expression. 马克斯一脸心不在焉地盯着前方。

bloodthirsty [ˈblʌdθɜːsti]

【释】a. 残忍的,嗜杀的(wanting to kill or wound; enjoying seeing or hearing about violence and killing)

【例】Hitler was a bloodthirsty dictator. 希特勒是一个嗜血的独裁者。

conceited [kənˈsiːtɪd]

【释】a. 自负的,自高自大的(having too much pride in yourself and what you do)

【例】Conceited girls walk home from school with their noses in the air. 骄傲的女孩们昂首阔步地从学校走回家。

contrived [kənˈtraɪvd]

【释】a. 不自然的,做作的(obviously planned or calculated; false or artificial)

【例】Emma wrote a novel with a contrived ending. 埃玛写的小说有一个不自然的结尾。

hideous [ˈhɪdiəs]

【释】a. 极其丑陋的,难看的(very ugly or frightening in appearance)

【例】The corpse had a hideous expression on its face. 那具尸体的表情极其丑陋。

mannered [ˈmænəd]

【释】a. 矫饰的,做作的(behaving, speaking, or writing in a way that is extremely formal and not natural)

【例】The writer's prose was far too mannered and self-conscious. 那位作家的散文极为矫揉造作。

pretentious [prɪˈtenʃəs]

【释】a. 自命不凡的,自负的;做作的(trying to appear important, intelligent etc. in order to impress other people; trying to be something that you are not, in order to impress)

【例】It's so pretentious of Jane to greet everyone in French. 简用法语和每个人打招呼,实在是太做作了。

ruthless [ˈruːθləs]

【释】a. 无情的,冷酷的(hard and cruel; determined to get what you want and not caring if you hurt other people)

【例】It's obvious from his ruthless behaviour that he is underbred. 从他冷酷的行为明显可以看出他没有教养。

sly [slaɪ]

【释】a. 狡猾的,狡诈的(clever at tricking people or at secretly doing unfair or dishonest things)

【例】The dealer won the bid with a sly maneuver. 经销商通过狡诈的操作而中标了。

unseasoned [ʌnˈsiːznd]

【释】a. 无经验的(not experienced in a particular activity or job)

【例】Unseasoned workers would not be given such a job. 没有经验的员工不会得到这样的工作。

unsightly [ʌnˈsaɪtli]

【释】a. 不好看的,不悦目的(not pleasant to look at)

【例】The car accident left an unsightly scar on his face. 交通事故在他脸上留下了一道丑陋的伤疤。

affected [əˈfektɪd]

【释】a. 做作的,假装的(not natural or sincere)

【例】Bob's affected manner annoyed her. 鲍勃做作的行为让她很反感。

censorious [senˈsɔːriəs]

【释】a. 爱挑剔的,吹毛求疵的

cower [ˈkaʊə(r)]

【释】v. 畏缩,退缩(to shrink away or crouch especially for shelter)

【例】The hostages cowered in their seats. 人质们蜷缩在座位上。

crafty [ˈkrɑːfti]

【释】a. 狡猾的,狡诈的(good at getting what you want, especially in a slightly dishonest way)

【例】That old businessman was as crafty as a fox. 那个老商人像狐狸一样狡猾。

cringe [krɪndʒ]

【释】v. 畏缩(to move back slightly from something that is unpleasant or frightening)

【用】cringe at/from 因…而退缩

【例】Chris had cringed at the thought of using his family for publicity. 对于利用他的家庭来做宣传的想法,克里斯退缩了。

despicable [dɪˈspɪkəbl]

【释】a. 可鄙的,卑劣的(deserving of contempt or scorn)

【用】be despicable do …做…是卑鄙的

【例】Stealing money from a blind man is a despicable act. 偷盲人的钱是卑鄙的行为。

distrait [dɪˈstreɪ]

【释】a. 心不在焉的(not able to concentrate on something because you are worried about something else)

【例】Why do you always answer my questions in a distrait manner? 为什么你总是心不在焉地回答我的问题?

flinch [flɪntʃ]

【释】v. 退缩,畏缩(to withdraw or shrink from or as if from pain)

【用】flinch from sth./doing sth. 不想或不做(不愉快的事)

【例】Dick didn't flinch once when the doctor was cleaning his wound. 医生在为迪克清理伤口时,他从来没有畏惧。

gauche [ɡəʊʃ]

【释】a. 不善交际的,不圆滑的

gullible [ˈɡʌləbl]

【释】a. 易受骗的;轻信的(too willing to believe or accept what other people tell you and therefore easily tricked)

【例】You are too gullible to see your own danger. 你太轻信了,看不到自己所面临的危险。

homely [ˈhəʊmli]

【释】a. 不漂亮的(not good looking)

【例】The woman will be angry if you say that she has a homely kid. 如果你说那个女人的孩子不漂亮,她会生气的。

ignominious [ˌɪɡnəˈmɪniəs]

【释】a. 可耻的,不名誉的(that makes, or should make, you feel ashamed)

【例】At last the two countries concluded an ignominious treaty. 最后这两个国家缔结了一项可耻的条约。

impassive [ɪmˈpæsɪv]

【释】a. 无动于衷的,无感情的

infamous [ˈɪnfəməs]

【释】a. 声名狼藉的;无耻的(well known for something bad)

【用】be infamous for 因…而声名狼藉

【例】The King was infamous for his cruelty. 国王因残暴而声名狼藉。

insincere [ˌɪnsɪnˈsɪə(r)]

【释】a. 虚假的(not expressing your feelings or opinions honestly)

【例】Mike's sentimentalism at his wife's funeral was insincere. 迈克在妻子葬礼上表现的悲伤都是虚情假意。

irresponsible [ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbl]

【释】a. 不负责的;不可靠的

【例】To protect her reputation, she sued the irresponsible newspaper which spread the rumour. 为了保护自己的名誉,她起诉了那家散播谣言的不负责任的报纸。

nonchalant [ˈnɒnʃələnt]

【释】a. 冷漠的

odious [ˈəʊdiəs]

【释】a. 可憎的,讨厌的

quail [kweɪl]

【释】v. 畏惧,畏缩(to recoil in dread or terror)

【用】quail at/before 因…而畏缩

【例】They felt their heart quailing under their multiplied hardships. 在重重困难面前,他们畏缩了。

recoil [rɪˈkɔɪl]

【释】v. 后退,退缩(to shrink back physically or emotionally)

【用】recoil from/at 因…而畏缩

【例】Mary has so great a dread of snakes that she will recoil in horror when seeing one. 玛丽非常害怕蛇,如果看到蛇就会恐慌地后退。

scandalous [ˈskændələs]

【释】a. 出丑的,可耻的(causing scandal)

【例】Clare had a series of scandalous affairs that shocked the community. 克莱尔的


smug [smʌɡ]

【释】a. 自满的,自命不凡的(too satisfied with your abilities or achievements)

【例】The little boy looked so smug about knowing the answer. 那个小男孩因知道问题的答案而自命不凡。

stilted [ˈstɪltɪd]

【释】a. 不自然的(stiffly or artificially formal; stiff)

【例】I praised them in stilted German. 我用蹩脚的德语称赞了他们。

tricky [ˈtrɪki]

【释】a. 狡猾的(inclined to or marked by trickery)

【例】Most people fear a tricky opponent more than a skillful one. 比起技艺高超的对手,大多数人更害怕狡猾的对手。

wily [ˈwaɪli]

【释】a. 狡猾的,老谋深算的(clever and willing to trick people in order to get what you want)

【例】Joanna finally fell victim to a wily rogue. 乔安娜最终被一个狡猾的流氓给骗了。

wince [wɪns]

【释】v. 退缩,畏缩 [to shrink back involuntarily (as from pain)]

【例】I winced when the dentist's drill touched my tooth. 当牙医手里的钻头碰到我的牙齿时,我退缩了。

When your will is ready, your feet are light.


——乔治·赫伯特(George Herbert)


















